When will we get NEW CONTENT instead of new raids/dungeons?

Mage tower, pvp assaults, pvp dailies, emissaries, visions, brawlers guild.

I do remember. I miss all of it =(

The issue is all of that stuff was made to be left behind. They should take one or any of them and just make it perma, a new Pillar.

Na, it can. Solo dungeon drop gear like it does in Diablob 4. Infinite solo player content

And I miss mission tables

I agree I made another threading recently saying the Zskera vault should be perma, and we should get keys from the Zerelak Caverns.

But no, they love to make throw away content I guess.

Yes, exactly. They tried to make content that was not left behind. Players called it borrowed power and raged until it got removed.

Like that’s the thing; people like OP whine about not having alternative content but Blizzard has tried to implement new systems and content but it’s been consistently rejected by a vocal portion of the player base.


agreed, you bet your behind that if warfronts were loved by the community, it would be another “pillar” like raids or dungeons or pvp.

The thing is, its all just derivative.

Islands are just spicy dungeons.
Warfronts are just spicy raids.
Covenants are just spicy world quests.

Torghast was kinda new, although slightly derivative of the mage tower
Mage tower was just an oddity, while Torghast was tied to power and progression.

But it didn’t work out.

Um, speaking as someone who was fine with the ‘borrowed power’ systems, since having unique things to look forward to to play with each expansion rather then just ‘you got your class and that is it’ was enjoyable for me, they were very much “left behind” that is why exactly it is called “borrowed power”.

Since they stayed only in the expansion they were introduced (Artifact Weapons in Legion, Azerite Armor/Heart of Azeroth in BFA, etc…), if for example Artifact weapons had continued past Legion, then they wouldn’t be “borrowed power” since it would have went beyond the expansion it was introduced in.

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But we can’t keep it all. That is what leads to bloat. Then people complain about too many keybinds. That leads to pruning. Then people complain about that.

That is why borrowed power made sense. Blizzard could give us new things every xpac, but as we moved on to a new place we could leave some of it behind. The BFA neck is a great example. We stopped the threat, azeroth is healed, we no longer need to carry around the neck.

Onto the next thing.

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They literally pooped on open world content this xpac trying to double down on raiding. For those of us of whom raiding is meaningless/not worth it, DF has been quite dead for.

I’ve been doing legion/bfa/sl grinding on another toon the past half year instead. Timegated systems clowning on group content is the easiest pass and what killed DF for me, since every other kind of content has been de-emphasized.

People actually enjoy the hamster wheel of m+ grinding every 6 months? Again, insanity.

Well, yeah. That is exactly what MoP/ WoD players have been asking for since legion.

  • Waiting around having to deal with meaningful choice’d profession knowledge.
  • Waiting around for crafting orders and deal with its garbage.
  • Waiting around for highest ilvl drops to be from vault
  • Waiting around for raid lockouts to expire, so you have to learn through youtube videos.
  • Waiting around clearing 99% of trash just for a PUG to disband because people noped out because they wanna “save” their lockout for a different group.
  • Waiting around for weekly rep boxes.

Easy pass… ALL OF THAT. It is not worth dealing with people over that.
I just grind stuff solo from legion/bfa/sl now and been ignoring DF since mid december.

Could you clarify what you mean by this?

There is a lot of content in WoW - quests, WQs, grinds, rares, professions, etc - that is neither a dungeon nor a raid.

Do you want some other structure of killing mobs / bosses? Or something that doesn’t involve killing?

You are one of those I dont like it so they should remove it people arnt ya? DF has been better for open world than any previous xpac in quite some time. Just because the player base abandoned it shortly after its introduction doesn’t mean its not there.

Makes sense, because half your list of complaints could be attached to every xpac since vanilla.

I seem to see a lot more people ranting about someone posting something they don’t like while not contributing to threads to be honest.

Literally every single minor version patch [versioning in wow is Major.Minor.Sub.build] contains new world content, new gear, new dungeons/raids, and new cosmetics.

What, pray tell, do you consider “content” if not these things?

Title translates to: “New content is not new content”.

Yes, because Snoozefronts, Island Repetitions, and Choreghast all worked out so well…

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In fairness, they need to add content that engages the player.

I’m sorry but world content as a whole in WoW is just not engaging. Every single bit of it is designed to be approachable by Timmy’s grandmother who has been taught how to move , target, and use 3 DPS buttons.

And the bits that aren’t are designed to be swarmed by players, making it fall right back in line with what I just said.

And there’s a place for that content. I do think it should exist. The Legion thru Shadowlands “chores” provided day-to-day progress to be made on any given character, and that’s a good thing for anyone who likes to stick to a main or two instead of becoming chronic altoholics.

But there needs to be more difficult and engaging content as well. Maybe it’s world content in a zone with sharding that forces there to be fewer people. Maybe it’s not world content at all. I don’t really care.

But “oh well they tried making other content and people didn’t like it” is a crap excuse when the content itself never tried to be anything above bottom tier.

FWIW, Torghast was a fun concept, but it was ruined by it being “mandatory” up front and having literally 0 use other than crafting Legendaries, which turned it into a “run 2 per week for a month then never touch it for the rest of the patch” piece of content. If they had some meaningful rewards, even if they were mid-tier, I would’ve participated more.

I also liked Warfronts. But instead of building on the idea and making it better, they “streamlined” it, meaning they took things away and simplified it. Darkshore was objectively worse as a form of content than Arathi, and the Heroic versions weren’t actually Heroic, they were just bringing the content up to the current patch.