You’re just proving my point.
Gallywix and Sylvanas are gone. All is left is Baine and Thall. Two losers I don’t care about. The Horde is dead.
Go play something that doesn’t make you miserable.
Dragon Age story was awful too so I am running out of fantasy franchises I can be the fan of. Sorry.
Lol, when I made a thread asking why they chose Flynn in Azj-Kahet, some Alliance fool once said “Gey’arah and Turalyon argue, and the questgiver lectures them about how it’s dumb. Take a hint, faction fanatics.”
That really shows how Alliance players on the GD forum and others, who defend the Alliance bias, lack media literacy. We can’t even have the factions trading barbs," according to those weirdos.
I promise you, wallowing in self-pity and stonewalling every thread is not doing you or anyone else any favors. There are more options for gaming today than there have ever been. If you can’t find something you like, you are not looking very hard.
I am not abandoning Warcraft just yet. All we need is a good Dev who reverses all the crap stuff Metzen and Afrasiabi did in the past.
Sounds like you just don’t like Warcraft period.
Making the Alliance win and the Horde lose is where it went all wrong.
So, in review, you don’t like WC1, WC2, Metzen era WoW, Afrasiabi era WoW, Danuser era WoW, or Metzen era WoW 2.0. I’m going to go out on a limb and assume you didn’t like SoO or Legion either.
So, you maybe liked one or two patches of Cataclysm?
I hated every version of WOW where grand alliance heroes were constantly shoved in my face. Danuser saved WOW by refusing to kill Sylvanas. What we need is another Cataclysm like expansion. Alliance tears be dammed.
Gobsmacked anyone could utter this unironically.
I don’t get people claiming Cata was Horde biased. The first zone was all about helping Night Elves and their demigods. The only major Horde Druid got injured
Edit: Hey, Dreadmoore, I hate your guts. Stop liking my posts.
Danuser ended the trend of killing Horde leaders just because they have no other ideas. Metzen brought the trend back by making Gallywix a raid boss.
“BUT EREVIEN just accept that Gallywix need to die!”
No I will not accept anything. Every other goblin leader is neutral and Gazlowe is nothing more but a filthy opportunist. If you agree that Goblins are supposed to be a Horde race then you need to do better here.
It wasn’t. At least, not in the way people want it to be. Writers admitted Alliance was more boring to write for, and they got spicy butts about the devs trying to balance the scales of zone distribution from Vanilla.
I guarantee if you sat down and parsed out the actual content, it would be within a reasonable margin of error re: balanced distribution of actual content.
It is impressive how confidently you can utter so much factually inaccurate nonsense. Nathanos—Danuser. TWW? Not Metzen.
Metzen wrote TWW. So if Gallywix dies next week he is to blame. From Danuser we got Shadowlands and Dragonflight which really had no faction involvement anywhere.
Dude, others and myself have tried.
Its either dopamine dependent Twitter addiction or something else that no one here is qualified to help…
No, you only defend the Legion. You hate the Horde and have made it very clear.
I am the true last line of defense for the Horde.
I am the ramparts that keep out the Alliance.
I am the bulwark holding back terrible stories.
I am the redoubt where those fleeing from villain bats can seek shelter and safety.
I am the rallying banner for all true Horde anger!!!
I am Alynsa, Warchief of the Story Forum Horde!!! Lok’tar Pi’zza!!! Blood and coffee awaits!!! FOR THE HORDE!!!
Metzen is such an incredible writer he can time travel to write stories before his rehiring and then lie about not having written it very publicly for no possible reason.