I do not think the Horde could fundamentally be repaired. I think the damage done from too many evil warchiefs, from the realization that the “Old, Evil Horde” peaked at sacking Stormwind while “Thrall’s Good Horde” blew up Theramore then topped it with a whole entire Teldrassil bonfire, from a decade and a half of storytelling only showing this side of the Horde, from the utter ruination of three quarters of the original four races where Darkspear trolls somehow made it out better than the others (and they still made out pretty poorly), from… From just so much. I think that much damage is irrepairable.
That is forever a part of the story of the Horde. How instead of seeking to prove they were better than those who came before, they proved they were worse.
I know some people think new characters declaring a new direction for the Horde somehow can change or fix that, but… That’s just literally Thrall’s story with a dose of “third time’s the charm!!” It’s literally repeating history, where repeating history is the Horde’s fundamental problem.
So I don’t think the Horde can be fix. It can’t be repaired. It cannot exist as an entity that continues this unending cycle.
What do I think is the best path going forward?
Oof. That’s a hard question to answer.
… But I am Alynsa, the One True Warchief of the Story Forum Horde*!! I rise to the challanges and post many, many… MANY paragraphs of nonsense until I humble my debate opponents into absolute submission or boredom!!! A challange has been made (by me I think? Nobody’s actually asking me to do this, right?) and by my strength and honor, my blood and thunder, my lok’tar and ogar I shall take up this challange!!! And by Thrall’s greying beard, I shall rise and CONQUER IT!!!
… In a post later on.
*it is true i am warchief here now i posted this six days ago and none of you said i couldnt so i am now, link to proclamation, you are all doomed