When will we get a Horde story?

Was an offhand remark during a Blizzcon during Cata era. I’ve had trouble digging it up, but I remember it being said for sure.


Remember, He was intending to sit that out entirely and not get involved any more. Sylvanas is the one who pulled him back in by sending her elite assassins to kill him. Saurfang followed them to find Thrall. That’s what pulled him back into Horde politics. It wasn’t anything he planned. That’s when he fully accepted that with his role in building things to where they had developed, he didn’t have the luxury of just retiring and having the option to just (as he said to Saurfang in the Safe Haven cinematic) “leave that life behind”.

I’m not saying he planned any of it. I’m sure he didn’t plan to need to come back and help Vol’jin take down Garrosh either, or for Garrosh to bring in an Iron Horde for him to fight, or for the Legion to invade.

I’m not talking about things from within the narrative. I’m talking about why me, the player, was frustrated.

Requoting for clarity.


I still belive Saurfang lied about following the assassins. They show up after he talking to Thrall, and he seemed just as suprised they were there.


What? He didnt seem suprised at all. You can see he heard the assassins’ a mile away.

Saurfang is a traitor without honor. He led the alliance to Orgrimmar fully knowing what they did to our allies a patch before. I hope I can pis.s on his grave eventually.

As someone who has a very similar story here, everything you said is very accurate. I remember the absolute meltdown when people did Anderhol or I kid you not a certain set of people on here were up in arms that SoO didn’t mean that the Horde as a faction wasn’t being removed or that they couldn’t go to an occupied Org to /spit on horde players.


Oh yes, when I saw how these players were acting after SoO’s release, I was glad I had decided to stop posting regularly in the Story forum. Unbelievable attitudes…

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Are you daring to suggest that punishing players for stories they didn’t write is not well adjusted behavior? Poppycock!


The Horde experience personified.


Have you been sleeping? The story is crap specifically because Blizzard keeps punishing the Horde because alliance fans asked for it. Alliance players are directly to blame for every dead former Horde leader.

Forget it, Donny

This is so blatantly untrue that the only proper response is You are wrong


Not until Blizzard brings back to life every cool Horde leader we lost to awful writing choices.

Donny, you’re out of your element

I am the last defender of the Horde.

You are an avatar of everything your Alliance mirrors want to impose on every Horde poster they engage with.


I want the alliance to lose. Since BFA ruined all my fun. So I ruin the fun of the blue team as revenge.


I am.

I agree with you like 60% of the time, but your emotions blind you from making fair and nuanced points and sometimes lead you to say things so dumb even Zerde would blush.

I wear the crown. Or…the horned helmet?


Bfa wasn’t fair. Why should I be fair to the alliance community?