When will we get a Horde story?

Metzen literally started all of this when they killed Varimathras, Nazgrim, Garrosh, Cairne and Vol’jin. Go about lying somewhere else. Without Metzen the majority of the Horde would be alive.

I’m really struggling to find a path that would justify buying an extra account on another region’s servers to pitch tantrums and shut down discussion, myself.


You want me to stop complaining? Tell blizzard to stop removing every aspect of the game I care about and make it worse.

You have no frame of reference here, Donny. You’re like a child who wanders into the middle of a movie and wants to know.


You don’t have to buy an extra account. Make an account on a different region, and as long as it’s connected, you can post with the same sub.

The dead leaders is just the tip of the problems. The rest is characters like Alleria shoved in my face when she has a history of killing hundreds of orcs. Blizzard has a bias. And it shows.

Between that and our things a few others here have said, it’s just why I refuse to respond. At some point, you just have to pack it in and realize it might just be feeding into a mental thing that cant be helped.
Social media is one hell of a drug.


I can assure you I stopped being on twitter a long time ago.

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Ah, gotcha.

As your true Story Forum Warchief, I exile you from the Horde.

We have no place for people who are fans of losing losers who lose.

We have no place for people who long for the day he can be a demon-slave serving the Legion.

We have no place for you, Erevien Cryscream.

The only way to balance the scale of the unfair story is by killing 90% of the alliance leadership and excluding them for at least 4 expansions in a row.

Thats a great step in the right direction. :+1:

I basically abandoned social media a few years back so I could preserve what respect I still had for friends, family, various social circles. It is concentrated brainrot.


If only you knew…

Anyway, you randomly replied to one of my lore posts one time. Did you delete that account too?

Yes. The last social media I am on now is Threads and Instagram.

Discord is social media. You’re still on there too being racist.

In b4 a certain person shows up.


Metzen didnt write TWW did he? Wasnt most of that stuff already done by the time he came back?

I’ve heard Midnight will be the first proper Metzen expansion, which is why I’m holding out hope.

I swear, if the man who admitted his heart lies with the Horde can’t rectify these issues and make us proud to be in the Horde again, then there’s absolutely no hope and we should retcon the factions from ever existing.

That’s right, I’m saying it: World of Peacecraft.


This is the third expansion after Bfa. Blizzard had time to prove it. They failed.

Dragonflight minus the last patch, which was just the closing of a story from BfA, was a neutral expansion. And TWW so far has been a neutral expansion

I feel like conventional Horde got lumped in with the rubbish pile and marked down as toxic masculinity, and we are now in an overcorrection pendulum swing.