When will we be able to make Earthen?

Yeah, same. I saw “Play Earthen” under “Early Access” and “Global Launch” and assumed it’d be around Aug 22nd or Aug 26th myself.


This is a completely stupid decision that serves no purpose except wasting time.


my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


Ok here is the info on the latest for Earthen

So one week from tomorrow

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Of course they announce this 30 min before the expansion officially goes live. It’s like the company is farming ill-will on purpose.


why was it listed under “Early Access” then? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


This was announced a while back.

It’s a bad move to timegate this unlock like this. I hope you take this feedback to heart. You won’t, but I still hope


When was it announced? Their roadmap says launch week.


In the info graphic road map, “Play Earthen” was under “Early Access” and “Global Launch” - so the fact that Earthen is a week after those events is a bit surprising.


You saw someone with a Cursed Pickaxe.

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Who is making these choices?? jesus christ already time gating everything else lets pointlessly time gate the new allied race


i have unlocked all of that including Merrix and Steelvein, the only thing that is not letting me unlock is the campaign. even though I completed with two toons.

SO you can complete Broken Tools, Mourning rise and Merrix and Steelvein because I already have.

This isn’t a good idea. I hope Blizzard reconsiders delaying the expansion races after launch next time. People who planned on maining Earthen have to just twiddle their thumbs until then. What’s the point? And why wasn’t this explained weeks ago? Very not cool.


Gating earthen and gating TBC normal flying with PF makes no sense IMVHO.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

I mean, it’s just one week, so it’s not the end of the world and not anywhere near the amount of timegating in SL or even BfA.

Having said that, it’s still stupid. It feels less like a regression in design philosophy and more like an example of how much Blizzard just drops the ball on things that should be a slam dunk.

Not attempting to direct my ire towards you.

However, could you or someone else explain why I paid for an expansion set to release on a certain date just to have the content marketed and promised trickled to me?

Between almost none of the end game systems being available in early access, the promised new race now not being available until ANOTHER week, having to spend the next 2 weeks with only heroic dungeons just to then have to wait ANOTHER 2 weeks to get into M+…why in the world did I buy the xpac and game time NOW?

WoW is not Final Fantasy. Absolutely no offense whatsoever to neither any creator or developer for the game but the first phase of a campaign is simply NOT enough to warrant gating all the actual progression content behind WEEKS of waiting.


I must express deep frustration at this. I wanted to make an earthen and use it for the raid with my guild. Now I have to wait through the rest of my available free time prior to the school year starting (and thus my jobs resuming) so it’ll take me much longer to finish. Keep your raids closed if you must, but let us get started on the Earthen at least.


They are afraid of easy wins.

:dracthyr_shrug: :woman_shrugging:

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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