When will we be able to make Earthen?

oh it makes them the allied race now?

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you saw someone with the Cursed Pickaxe item in their inventory that randomly turns them into an Earthen for a short period


It’s called an iron dwarf but they look similar.

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I don’t think that item is what he saw. The Cursed Pickaxe will change the players tooltip to “Earthen Warrior” or something similar

Ah I see. I didn’t know about that.

tbh I wouldn’t have bought early access if I had known, as it was the literal only thing I wanted. My own fault really for trusting that we’d be able to play the unlockable race.


I have the pickaxe so I know what you’re talking about but it didn’t look like the transformation as that makes them kinda purpleish, and under the race thing it said
“Earthren Elemental Shaman
level 80 Horde”
wish I took a screenshot of it

Why would I play and gear a character I don’t want to play

I leveled a character to 80 to unlock earthen


Dude you get a maximum 25% exp buff for leveling 5 warband characters to 80

You’re making a mound into a mountain

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Hmm, maybe you guys should remove that last achievement then, since you advertised that we’d have them on 8/26, not 9/3.

Or just give everyone another reason to distrust y’all, don’t matter to me. :coffee:


And? I’m not going to level characters I have no intent in playing


If your sole reason to play the game is to play an earthen, then sure.

Although I have to say I’m amazed you even got to level 80 in the first place if that’s the case. But sure, don’t gear your character and if you don’t want to play the game - then don’t.

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Yes, my sole intent when they announced earthen was to play earthen. I leveled a character that cannot be earthen (dk) but not to play, just to unlock


That logic makes no sense as you HAVE to progress the story lines to unlock the Earthen, you can’t get them any other way. It was my sole reason to play the game lol. Let me be my best dwarven self geez


Yes, but if you want to try out an Earthen before deciding to race change, you won’t get the sale price on the race change.


Can’t have people leveling the new race before season 1 to use as their new main for the expansion the race was introduced in, now can we?


So…EA does not equal EA to the race included with the expac. check. Also, it will not release until at least a week after the “official” release. right? Question is…why? Does this make players wanna play or??


Hopefully this feedback gets actually read but, I’m a little bit frustrated as a player at the timegating on quests and things that aren’t player-power related. You’ve said in interviews since Dragonflight that you are trying to respect players time more and listen to feedback.

I’m fully on-board with the time-gating on power release schedule for gear and that sort of thing, I think that’s healthy for the actual game. I don’t think it does anything for the health of the game if I can’t see all the story until I wait to log in every week. It probably affects a weekly retention metric and possibly even makes you more money but it feels kind of bad to always log into patches and be excited and not that get to do the patch content because it’s on an arbitrary release schedule.

You’ve already increased the content delivery rate (great!) and I’d really like it if I could log in when you release new content, consume it, log in for dungeons and raiding with friends at our scheduled times, and otherwise play when I want to. If there’s going to be another patch in 8 weeks every time with another piece of story I really don’t need to be made to log in for 2-3 weeks after it comes out to carry me to the next patch. Just let me play when I want to play the gameplay, and if the gameplay isn’t holding up to keep my attention find out how to make that better.

If not letting people finish the story thats in a patch when the patch releases hurts your retention, that retention was probably artificial anyways and not what you should probably stake that players long-term retention on.

In addition to the reasons I outlined above, it’s been very confusing the last few years and especially the last 6 months on what the actual schedule is for things. Even when you publish roadmaps or things like the awakened raid schedule they don’t seem to line up with player interpretation/we don’t get an explanation for changes that are made/are told it was the plan the whole time we didn’t read it right. I guess I didn’t interpret the infographic for the Earthen release correct either (I guess it’s before season 1, but it implies to me that it was with early access.) As much as I’m overall very happy with the direction of the game since Dragonflight this feels like the dark horse creeping up from behind to wear my enjoyment of the game down.

For things that aren’t even player power based, why all this work to just not let people play the game they’re trying to play?


This is a really dumb decision.


Can the team provide the reasoning behind why this is being further timegated from being available to players?

It is a launch feature… So why isn’t it available at Launch?

Edit: I thought the team had learned against Timegating Campaigns from the oh so lovely Shadowlands expansion? – Are we reverting back to a Shadowlands mentality? Should we brace ourselves for a Korthia 2.0? Why do we always get steps forwards in QoL, just to leap backwards? Im kinda getting sick and tired of Timegatecraft.