Just curious if we knew an exact date when we’d be able to unlock / create Earthen?
I thought we’d be able to unlock them during Early Access, but we weren’t able to do the Max level 80 campaign.
I kind of assumed that we’d be able to do that max level campaign tonight (after ‘actual’ launch), but a friend mentioned I shouldn’t get too hype’d cause A) the max level campaign might not come out till after reset tomorrow and B) it might be time gated?
I have the other achievements, and was super looking forward to my shiny gem friend. Just curious if we know any thing on being able to play Earthen tonight or if there will be some time gating of the max level story quest?
Earthen are in the same vein as Zandalari and Kul Tiran as far as Allied Races go, not a pre-order bonus, but a main campaign unlock.
I wouldn’t expect them before a month into launch, honestly, given Bliz’s behavior.
The War Within Level 80 campaign is 5 chapters. I expect they’ll time gate those weekly because…that’s what they’ve done before, but this based only on past history.
They have been oddly silent about when they’ll unlock, going their usual route of it’s our fault for assuming instead of admitting they didn’t reveal their plans in advance clearly, which they have definitely not been transparent about.
I’d love to be wrong about this though.
I mean, if they’re not available at least tomorrow then their advertising lied
how so, exactly? I’m betting they lied through omission as per usual (this is not a defense of Blizzard, this is still super shady)
Because their launch roadmap had earthen posted under launch, I’ll see if I can find it
well maybe I’ll be wrong then. it’d be nice, but I’ve been burned too many times to trust them.
Yeah I think it will definitely be weeks before we can finish the campaign. Chapter 1 isn’t even finished after doing everything available in early release.
I just looked up the Road Map - and at least reading this “Play Earthen” is under “Early Access” and "Global Launch’ - Yup that’s why I assumed Aug 26ht >.>
I really doubt all 5 chapters of that campaign will be available in 90 mins. I suspect we’ll be waiting to hear back from Alleria until at least tomorrow if not longer.
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Did they ever say Earthen would be available at release or early release or did they say there would be things to do to get them ?
This is the requirements for them and this was from back in June
Clearly says play the earthen under launch, not play the earthen a month from launch
would love to be wrong, I am just skeptical as all get out about those 5 chapters though.
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That post above says 5 chapters
The only thing I know for sure is a number of quests I’ve come across have a little icon related to unlocking Earthen.

the achievement says complete the war within campaign, the achievement for the war within campaign (the needed step) has 5 chapters, none of which are yet available and none of which relate to the leveling story campaign we have been able to complete.
We have to complete “The War Within Campaign” and the current “War Within Campaign” is 0/5 chapters.
So it makes sense we’d have to
That means they will be playable after official launch
unlike Evokers which were available during pre patch . Then again Evokers were a whole new race where as Earthen are considered an allied race and allied races have always had some requirement like rep grind or a line of quests to get them .
So what you did is assume
What? I said they should be available to get at launch or the post lied lol, I was sad we couldn’t get them during ea, but they never said we could specifically during ea
I think there is a real lack of clarity here and once again Bliz is going to get off blame free on it as usual despite it being on them to have made this clear.
Wowhead is not a reliable source over Blizzard themselves, they assume a lot too.
we assemble them in a long quest line with like 5 types of dirt and 4 kinds of fresh water, 3 salt and 1 artisan. Also, Frosty’s silk cap