When will we be able to make Earthen?

Yeah - week isn’t too bad.

I was kind of expecting them at launch due to the info graphic. Then started doom thinking that it’d be super long from the thread.

I’m just happy to have clarification <3

Good thing I have my Earthen’s future name saved >.< Now to continue figuring out if she’ll be a monk or a priest? <.<


Just saw someone playing the new race… Strange

When you buy a race change, it’s not automatically applied to a character.

Someone could buy the race change this week and then use it next week when the race is unlocked, so this isn’t the reason.


So then there is no point in the delay

And I have zero reason to play this week :frowning:

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True but sales tend to end on target dates to create fear of missing out.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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The point is that Blizzard lacks any sort of reasonable logic when it comes to any facet of their game that isn’t M+ or raiding. It benefits absolutely no one to lock the dwarves behind a timegate. It’s pointless to even lock them to begin with.

But Blizzard will be Blizzard.



Although that graphic (unless I’m seeing things lol) had the earthen both across early access and official release … like leveling and the other things above it. It didn’t have them only under official release. So I’m guessing they changed their minds about when to make them unlockable after that graphic and decided to push it back from not only EA but also official release, and the graphic be damned really.


Please explain how there is any sense of FOMO when you can literally buy a discounted race change today, and hold onto it indefinitely until you’re ready to use it.

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True…fumbling before entering the endzone. That is a BlizZard tradition.

Some people feel the FOMO of sales so yeah it does happen. That is why you have companies do a 40% sale and then follow it up with 30% sales. So the next time a 40% sale comes up people know there will be a sale that follows up but it will only be 30% so they FOMO for the 40% sale.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

You can just buy the race change now and save it for then, but yeah that is a bit sneaky and annoying.

I think the FOMO (probably an incorrect term to use here, but I understand what they’re trying to say) here is the sale. The sale ending on the 2nd and it lining up perfectly with the date the earthen are available instills a sense of urgency to “get in now to use your race change on an earthen next week!”

Not an uncommon marketing strategy to generate more sales.

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True and it is a grey area of bait and switch but that is my opinion! I can hear the little foot steps of forum attorneys and lawyers approaching me right this second!

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Let’s say the Earthen were available right now. How would that change anything?

It’s also false advertisement since their roadmap explicitly says we’ll be able to play earthen on launch week.


I’m not buying a change, leveling is too quick

But it does leave me with basically nothing to do til next tues

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Here’s the most likely reason I’d say:
Look at the roadmap and ask this … why the big delays?
Roughly everything people consider as “endgame content” is roughly paced one week apart. So the game launches today and people have a week to play through the campaign, level characters, explore, and then unlock Earthen next week - so people don’t rush themselves to just unlocking stuff.

The same thing goes for everything else on the roadmap, so why wouldn’t this qualify for the same mentality?

I saw a horde Earthern shaman who was already level 80 yesterday <.<

Because some of us are really waiting to play until they’re unlocked?

Then stop waiting and start playing the game.

Nah, You saw someone with a toy from Wotlk called iron boot flask.