When will we be able to make Earthen?

so i have to wait another 2 years for a actually cool allied race, if that comes next expansion…?

on the horde ofc

Prob not - I assume they’re re-enable it once they fix the bug - I suspect it’ll be fixed within the day. But I don’t know anything.

If they aren’t out soon - I know people will get annoyed

i was super hyped for it cause i like minerals and stuff and when i heard about it i spent 90 dollars for epic edition to get armor a pet mount a toy and early access but like… i got it because i thaught id be able to get it for earlyy access. blizz said well we arent gunna do rep lock, but we will time lock so i waited, 3 more days well… its still time gated, they realesd some more quest, well… still time gated… i just want a gosh dang dwarf that goes with lord of the rings, and something titan forged other than mecha gnomes, i mean the fact theyre part robot / living…??? is actually cool. hopefully it comes

:crossed_fingers: that it would be here soon in like 15 min

So it released at daily/weekly reset. It was okay at first, until you get to the scenario. That was buggy and required multiple attempts to even complete. Then the final cinematic didn’t have audio, beeped at me several times then skipped itself altogether. As I sit here on my new Earthen character I have no idea what the actual crap happened. Nor do I care. I got the part I wanted though I am saddened so many of my fellow players can’t join me yet. I hope they resolve it quickly so you guys can properly enjoy the unlock and then join me in stone brotherhood. (Totally do the starting zone stuff, it’s cool as hell by the way)

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ima check yall one sec

Honestly at this point they just need to remove the quest and go here everyone gets it

If they can’t make the unlock quest bug free for a major expansion feature why even have it?


… ok at this point ima just forget about the new race because it seems to come at thursday 7 am pst, im mad at this point finnaly thaught a good expansion tbh the dragonflight expansion was just not intresting in my op the flights were cool thaught the evokers where able to be rode like the druid legon class hall mounts for druids. but no, timegate after timegate its getting annoying.


Hell my guildmate race swapped and got the heritage stuff.

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Why is everyone saying Thursday?

Has a blue post been made?

There was an update saying there is scheduled maintenance for Thursday morning.

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it says the update on the matneince thing is thursday

lol rip - hopefully they can hit fix it sooner - or clearly communicate it to us

if it dont bye bye azeroth.

ill keep yall updated

still not here

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How are you able to post back to back - usually the forums yell at me and tell me no “wait till someone else contributes”

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I have this quest from Aleria, (A tide needing turned) but there is no one to turn in that quest… so?

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The time gap between comments. It’s got to be more than a few minutes. Usually around 10 or so.