When will we be able to make Earthen?

There is no quest for me

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I’m on area 52 ally I don’t see any quest either I’ve done everything up to"a light in the dark"

same no quest im horde looking at the main quest line. says wait for word… no word yet lol
if anyone knows whats going on please help the rest of us.

They disabled it!

confused. they disabled the quest or the earthen ? thx for the reply

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thx for that

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so is it not coming today or…?

Nobody knows. It was briefly available and then disabled until further notice.

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Queue the Blizz apology: “We hear you and will do better to communicate with you, the players.”

This apology is on the copy and paste clipboard and will be reposted during next Blizzcon or expansion hype tour.

so i guess ill wait another week XD

sad earthen noises

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so if they are cancelled… i will cancel my subscription… if i don’t get addicted and regret it :neutral_face:

i will be for real, i will regret it if i do… its reality for me and im sure a lot of people, :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: Hopefully it comes back soon, if it doesnt rest in the void dalaran, earthen… Say hi to khadgar for me if u see him…

It should have been released today to be able to finish up the stuff to Create an Earthen. But I worked my way all the way thru the campain to the last chapter to wait for Alleria to talk to me. But that didn’t happen today. =( And just for those of you complaining about not being able to do this on Launch … It says we will MEET the New Earthen Playable race. It doesn’t say we will be able to actually Play an Earthen on the Release Date. Does anyone else have anything from Alleria yet?

There were apparently bugs with it.

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It was - but they have disabled it due to a bug → https://www.wowhead.com/news/new-content-temporarily-disabled-346390?utm_source=discord-webhook

It did!

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is it out yet? or still bugged

still bugged - I assume there will be a blue post / wow head article when its live - good thing I’m at work <.<