When will we be able to make Earthen?

Oh that’s good to know.


So happy for y’all! I can’t quite unlock em yet but soon.

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I’m at work so I can’t unlock them >.<

But soon for me too! Excited for tonight!

You are wrong. Earthen are a Neutral race by the definition that you can pick your faction. "Allied"races are preset to a specific faction. Every new class or race ever advertised as part of an new expansion was available for play launch day, nobody had to unlock paladins for the Horde, shamans for Alliance, Dranei, Blood Elves, DKs goblin, Worgen, Pandaren, DHs or Dracthyr.

The only reason Earthen is called an “allied race” by Blizzard is a play on words as an excuse why they aren’t available for play yet. Keep drinking the Kool Aid :v:t5:

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They are 100% available, I was playing mine not 5 minutes ago. Took them long enough, and the stuff was broken as hell when I did it but I managed to get through after a few tries and now I’ve got my rock boy.

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The fifth chapter starting quest is still not appearing…

EDIT: Found! it’s not on the city map.
For exact location for others, it’s 31.31, 59.55 in Dornogal.

They disabled it earlier today last I saw due to the errors and bugs.

Did they reenable it recently?

Yes. There is big BUT! here though…

Before you all go and make an earthen I suggest you give this a gander. Trying to save you all $$ on Race changes

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there is a point to this …

this is worse than vanillia warriors who had no healing in thier build so had bandages and food (soloing REALLY SUCKED)

now how did they think to get health/mana back … also do Earthen Mages cast ebible gems instead of food …

THIS race was poorly planned or thought out …

Before long I am sure it will be reworked completely as someone was on crack to think it would work …

But then I am having issues even unlocking it … went down to the quest ub ringing deeps and can’t find the next part as all the NPCs just walked away and disappeared without offering the next part of the chain …

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I just unlocked my Earthen - boosted them to 70 - got the heritiage armor - and I love them <3

Time to be a priest with shiny hair! ^-^

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How did you get Alleria to appear? She isnt there for me


just stack spirit.