When will we be able to make Earthen?

Actually made a post about this a minute ago and Grumbles brought up something I didn’t even think of.

Technically we got 11 minutes until actual weekly reset (Fingers crossed it’s just because of that)

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I hope it’s at reset.

we’ll find out. I’m sitting in front of her.

I would too, but I’m currently in bed with nausea and don’t plan to get up til I know.

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Take it easy.
I’ll let you know if the quest pops up or not :+1:


Keep me posted too - I’m at work and about to go into a meeting >.<

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I might roll one to check them out.
I cant imagine them being as cool as Dark Iron, though


Quest is up


Racial is definitely “worse”, but I think they’re cool looking and that’s what I base my characters on.

Yay! OK off to do it. And probably begrudgingly make dinner.


Where is it?

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Found it.

It’s on the Western side of Dornogal.

Completing the quest line unlocks Earthen confirmed! I need to redo it cause I skipped everything lmao

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Wahoo! Thats awesome news! :smiley:

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I don’t see it, is it call ‘A light in the dark’?

there is no quest currently on Gnomeregan

I can confirm. Final campaign quest unlocked.
I have completed and race changed my paladin to test it out and it went through fine.

However, it looks like the whole eating gems thing is not working still. (Edit: It’s working. You have to use the gems that jewelcrafters make. Not the raw gems)

cinematic failed
great job buggy quest small indie comapny

Yup - cant even complete the scenario tried 3 times and said F this

It’s west of the Coreway. Alleria should have the quest.