When will we be able to make Earthen?

dudb;t work for them :frowning:

puts on tinfoil hat

Blizzard releases an info graphic that shows earthen in EA-Launch. Blizz releases a seperate info page fo EU with Earthen stated available in EA and then another later with it removed (yeah people screenshot it). Blizz puts race changes on sale for 30% off until Sept 2. Blizz announces Earthen relase on Sept 3rd knowing we will be one week behind in profession knowledge.

Blizz expects people to spend money on race changes since their 30% off to feel like they’re getting a deal on a feature that was pushed back.

removes tinfoil hat

Still nonsense though. Earthen were my excitement for this expac and they change the release which also has false information

The 4th chapter is aleady out. Assuming you meant the 5th.

This whole thing is going to be kept in mind for future expansion purchases.

(Nothing towards you Kaivax, you’re just doing your job. I know you’re not making decisions, this is directed at the decision makers)


Kaivax is OP and amazing, so are all the other Devs <3

The decisions have been so weird. Like I feel like wow had many Wins recently, then this xpac launch someone was like, “YO DAWG, hold my beer”


can’t let anyone think they’re a good company or even improving.

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remember when races-classes were accessible in prepatch?


I will no longer purchase anything other than a basic DLC from now on, no more epic edition B.S.


And nothing will change. They “listen”. They go back to focusing on time-played metrics or time-gating access to major expansion features. This could have been such an easy win but they’d rather tie their clown-shoes together and try to play basketball.

There are a number of improvements with the expansion. I’m a fan of how alts are viable. A huge fan.

However, numerous major bugs that are still going for > 30 days now are still waiting for resolution. Looking at the war banks and guild banks - that has been a colossal :poop: :fire:

Then you change the plan for earthen at launch and everything just kinda fell off for me. I hated the idea of earthen pre-launch. Did the early access. They grew on me. Then I wanted to complete the campaign to make one. Thought - no problem - will wait till official launch… only to find they were actually time-gated. Come on, Blizzard. You people can do better.

I’m sure someone up the food chain made this call. It was a poor decision. Your company is not building trust with players. Seriously do better. Fun detected, fun nerfed is such a terrible slogan that you all should work harder to remove.


My friend still bugged in msq and got a copy/pasta response for the ticket that took like 4 or 5 days for a response and the copy/pasta said something about item restore. Nothing to do with a bugged quest. Doing great bliz

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They don’t listen cause people forgive their forum guys. They speak with the voice of Blizzard and we should stop patting them on the head and saying it’s not their fault because the higher ups see that we’re not that mad or upset and so they will keep doing it cause they know they can get away with it. We need to hold them accountable. They say something is suppose to be accessible at launch then we need to hold them to it. Let’s face it we won’t even get a ‘we’re sorry’ for this cause it was their plan all along, we know it and they know it. They give promotional material to taunt us since they know we won’t do anything about it. You can even see on the War Within is now live post on the launcher. They show Earth being available on launch. By the looks of it, since the thing is an eyesore to look at with it’s positioning and lack of separation of items, it looks like you Early Access peeps were suppose to have them in that EA period. Sure you can argue that you have to complete the War Within Campaign to get the quest but isn’t that suppose to be doable at launch at the very least? Why are we waiting almost if not a week after the expansion launched? Be cause they know they can get away with it and so until we start doing something about it this will continue while they all have a big ol’ laugh at us.

don’t we have to earn the race,
as they’ve done with many other
i mean more than just pay for the
xpac and sub…
like earn with in-game achievements.

Wish it was NOT gated we all could of been lvling and making the new allied race

That we do but should I not be able to unlock them by doing those things at launch? Or are you enjoying that you have to wait to do the promised content that was stated to be available at launch? If you do enjoy that good on you. I’m not saying it should be handed over just because I paid for the expansion and pay a monthly sub. I’m saying we should be given what we are promised when it was stated to be available. Am I wrong to want that for everyone?


no…i was thinking about other playable
races they’ve introduced…kul tirans etc…
i didn’t develop the system.
i’d like to play earthen now.

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My apologies, but you are correct we did have to unlock them doing achievements and rep grinds but those took so long most didn’t notice the time lock behind it.


i was agreeing with you…
i don’t agree with the unlocking
but…it’s the way they do things now.

And I do apologize for misunderstanding you. But we do need to start doing something as a community to show that we won’t stand for the way they do things. If a community can change the development of something. we can change how Blizzard does things.

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where is the quest aren’t we sept 3rd ??? loll

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Probs after reset -_-


Logged in after reset and Alleria has nothing. Today is 9/3. Guessing we have to wait til 3PM PST.


I wanted to unlock BEFORE tonight. 3pm EST I’ll be asleep…

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