When will we be able to make Earthen?

Thankz Bliz right in time for the long weekend in the US!

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I’m trying real hard not to go into ‘tin-hat conspiracy mode’ but the Earthen situation has been odd lol →

  • All wording before launch indicated Earthen would be playable during Early Access or Launch
  • The clarification on when Earthen unlock wasn’t made until 30 mins before ‘global launch’
  • In the blue post it mentioned “the fourth chapter” will unlock on Sept 3rd which is likely a typo and was supposed to have been “the fifth chapter” (the fourth chapter came out a couple days ago).
  • Earthen’s unlock is after a major 3 day weekend in NA

Or maybe there’s no conspiracy and someone higher up is making decisions that aren’t necessarily the best or deviates from what the marketing / devs originally expected? Or just lack of communication between various depts at bliz.

Something funny is def going on - what that is who knows. I’m hoping that come Sept 3rd I’ll be able to unlock my Earthen. Here’s to hoping at least. With the way things as going, sept 3rd might only be when the 5th / final chapter is open but watch, how much do y’all wanna bet that we won’t be able to finish that story chapter until some time gated date (such as raid <.<).


A selling point to an expansion should be available at release.
Pathetic tactics to time gate it.


Absolutely. I’m not saying give it to us instantly. As an allied race, I’m sure most people here understood that there would be a bit of a process to unlock them. But every aspect of that process should have been available during the EA period. Because of their infographics, I assumed I would be able to earn them during EA. So I blitzed the story, which was my choice, based on that information.

I know its just a few days, but I really do hope they consider the long weekend in the US and drop the quest early.


I just need earthen druids


An Earthen Druid is just a Transformer.

But seriously, while Worgen is my favorite (I would not even be in this thread if Worgen could be Shamans), having all shapeshift forms be stone would be awesome.

Those are mechagnomes my friend - Mechagnome druids would just straight up be beast bots.


Why did The War Within Campaign achievement gain another sub-achievement that is not completable? “A Light in the Dark” ?

Yea, so I assume we still can’t unlock Earthen.

I’m at the point of “Awaiting word from” homegirl-elf-archer-lady-whatever. Everything else done.

Still can’t unlock Earthen.

did anyone in the office look at the calendar when they made this choice? Sure not an international Holiday, but it is a National Holiday in the USA, we all have 3 days to… not play WOW because everything has been done already. Which is fine, I need to level Warrior to 100 in 14… but seriously I was hoping to level an Earthen this weekend. /shrug.


Our neighbors to the north celebrate it too, although they add a U to it. :smiley:


Of the major MMORPGs the Dev team at Blizzard is the worst at communication. They lie, they belittle the community, they say stupid stuff about the factions and races in the game. They tell us a feature we have asked for for years isn’t something we want actually… never once when they mess up do they apologize. Meanwhile if there is a minor bug that only affects a small portion of the community you have people like Yoshi-P giving 4 page long apologies explaining the bug, what caused it, and how they are fixing it. If they have to delay something they give full disclosure as to why.

I love WOW, but gawds the dev team at blizz is annoying.


So… more time gates… This is not a good thing. Just like pushing M+ back and making the loot scaling harder in M+. You (Blizzard) may not like it but what do the people paying the bills (Us) say about that?

I personally think this is BS. Stop gating things like this. Blasters should be able to blast. It’s like the diablo team- if people leave a season but had a blast, they are more likely to come back. if you piss them off and they leave because they were unhappy, they don’t come back. 20 years and this team STILL does not understand that.

I’m for M+ and raiding out at the same time. Hardest standard M+ (last season was set to M+10) Should have the same IL as Mythic Raid. They are both hard. One is TIMED. not just a rage timer… I do both so it doesn’t bother me.

But the Time Gating and pointless RNG like the vault need to go. We need more deterministic means to get the gear we want.


So we have a 3 day weekend and you can’t do anything useful if you want to main an earthen. Fantastic blizzard. I doubt i’ll be renewing my subscription because of this garbage. You don’t have to time gate things. Make a good game and people will play it. Arbitrarily timegate things to milk subscriptions and you’ll just ruin the communities attitude.


This. So much this.
I am incredibly disappointed with the lack of communication from Blizzard this expansion, and my patience is growing thin.
Between the vague release of Earthen, the showing of being available during EA, and now to top it off my friend has a chapter 4 bug ticket that hasn’t been resolved for 2 days?
I’m very let down. I expected better after the success of Dragonflight, Blizzard would reflect and use the positive feedback. Guess I was wrong.


Some of my friends have the quest so bugged they legit can’t even complete up to chapter 4 which is available atm.


So Blizzard lied. They advertized them as launch feature yet we have to wait regardless. Bad move really.


Which one is it? People in my guild got stuck on one of the campaign quests that recently came out, and said swapping to War Mode actually fixed it.

The mecha quest

I’m stuck waiting for Chapter 5 to be released as well.