When will we be able to make Earthen?

I expect an apology and 1 week compensated gametime to everyone who owns the war within expansion. Or they can make earthen available within 53 minutes. Which would keep it within the time from advertised in PST which is the blizzard time-zone.


some people just love the taste of boot


I think it’s mostly just gaslighters. Some people live off of working others up by taking a ridiculous contrarian position and telling rational people they’re stupid.


What was the team’s reasoning behind this decision? What negatives did the team see if they were to allow Earthen unlockable from launch?


In my email it says: “Playable Earthen race unlocked after completing their quests and the overall level-up campaign.” Is what we have not the full intended level up campaign? Is that why you only get to 76 with what we have? We don’t even have the full intended level up to 80 main campaign yet? O_O?


Like a crappy celebrity who speaks when they shouldn’t :smiley:

Time-gating the msq is very odd. Let people finish it at their own pace.


This is the part that’s misleading. Since they’ve started calling the campaign 2 seperate parts, the level-up campaign has always been the initial campaign available at launch.

The pieces released afterwards were called the max level campaign.

But why? What is the point of delaying the main campaign??

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One of Ion’s favorite things is time-gated content. He’s pushed for it his entire time as a dev. And being game director there is no one around to stop him.

He needs to be fired, or at least demoted. Send him back to lead raid design. He was actually good at that.

I Admire your level of commitment to the expansion. I really hope they don’t time gate the race, or make it part of a quest chain.

I have more than 3 races that I haven’t unlocked with Horde. I hated going back to do Battle for Azeroth content just to get Zandalari Trolls and Foxes.

I wish we had alternative ways to unlock Races that are over 2 expansions old.

For players who were playing when those expansions were live, it’s not a big deal because you just played through, but for returning players or new players chromie time and quest bloat are terrible.

Whats wild is this max level campaign speaks like the earthen are alrdy out exploring azeroth so this DEF was last min by some corporate goon who is gonna end up getting blizz a lawsuit


I spoke to my other half about it and he thinks they probably dont have everything ready and so have pushed it back to buy themselves time.

The Coporate Goon is msot likely Ion he is the only one who could realistically make a last minute choice like this and he has a history of being vocally pro time gating in the past.

They work fine on the beta. So unless they somehow broke something since then or they are added druid and dk. There is no excuse. If they’re adding druid/dk they should’ve communicated that and thus no excuse.

The race itself does, but we never got to see their unlock quests. So that might be bugged.
Plus one of their armor pieces you get after doing their starting zone doesnt display on males.

then they should say there is a delay because of a bug an issue an apology and give us

I dmiamond apologems!

Super excited for Earthen, I just feel like the communication here was super misleading. I was really looking forward to leveling one sooner rather than later. Any chance on reset tomorrow we could see them unlocked ahead of time? I feel like that would clear up any frustration for pretty much the entire player base that is a bit upset by it.

Would love to make one tomorrow!

uh is there a reason for that? its just a new dwarf color, wouldn’t be better not to try to over hype them? its not a big deal…