When will we be able to make Earthen?

4th Storyline Chapter? There are 5 The War Within Campaign chapters and all 5 are required for the achievement that is required for the race. So not even Sep 3rd the race will be unlocked.
Its already 3 expansions, you now also time gate the little stories within each expansion? Are you really that creatively poor that you have to fill the gaps with void?

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Follow your own advice.

That is listed under Aug 22-26.

Logic isn’t hard. Use critical thinking skills.

And as multiple people have pointed out, the store (before they removed it), their articles about it, and teh emails they sent out all only reference the level up campaign.


and per the promotional e-mail I received almost an hour ago it states:

" * Start unlocking the new playable Earthen allied race.²

²Playable Earthen race unlocked after completing their quests and the overall level-up campaign."

Last I checked, a max level campaign… is not a level-up campaign.


True that, but its shoddy business practice. But what else is new…


Per the article from the 22th of July. Is all of this information laid out in great detail on the infographic? No?

I guess it must be fake news or whatever else you are now gonna claim it is.

Then try using some.

I already covered this.

They wont, but i just hope blizzard learns to be better.
Im sure they will have actually learnt they can scam and get away with it. But… happy thoughts and all that haha

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Never said it wasn’t. I was talking motivation.

They’re robots. I will agree Dorn isn’t as intuitive as Valdrakken.

Is false advertisement even a crime in the USA? Cuz if so every fast food chain should be sue’d.

Then they get to look like the heroes.

It literally says that the campaign and earthen will be available in EA.


True it is all about logic.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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It is… But sadly like everything in this world… It’d take money for you to sue them, and given the lovely court structure they could drag it out until you’re out of money to continue the fight.

And even if you did have enough money to do it, or to continue thru its being prolonged… Their Lawyers would come up with some way of stating that a Max-Level Campaign could be considered a level-up campaign because you’re leveling up your characters understanding of the world or some such crap.

I feel like they blatantly blurred the lines with the release of the new race, even now its third party that are saying the dates so who knows. What I do know is I’m stuck waiting for word from Alleria. Which sucks seeing as I have a 4-day weekend


all that proves is that the campaign should be completable by the above dates and time gating it is against their advertisement.


the lesson here is that the company does not care about you, only the company.
Really disappointed we’re right back to this with them as if no time has passed since the last tone deaf decision.

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You yourself linked an infographic showing earthen listed under early access. And somehow I’m still in the wrong? C’mon man, you’re just being rude for the sake of it.


When The Marketing Department And The Project Team Don’t Talk : A Cautionary Tale

This is a very painful and public “right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing” exercise. SOMEBODY sent out an old project plan , assigned stuff to wrong dates, and there are very angry meetings going on now or soon. :laughing:

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Blizzard doesnt care, THEY JUST DONT CARE. You wont stop playing or spending money, they know this.

I got screwed on the refer a friend bonuses by following the directions and you know what? they dont care, they got the money.


I feel like the ending to tonights list of campaign quests would have been a great introduction to the Earthen as an allied race. Unbound now, helped train them, helped them fend off the titans machine. I only play dwarves, so I was really excited to be a horde dwarf.

This whole expac release has been engineered from the ground up to maximize profits over player experience. Unreal how poorly they’re willing to drop the ball for some short term gains.


This isn’t something worth quitting over, it doesn’t even effect me because I’m behind on story. But it’s still frustrating.

I’ve been playing this game for over 15 years and have never posted to the forums before but this situation is unacceptable

Numerous social media posts about early access and The War Within have outlined Earthen as playable “at Launch” – it was incredibly confusing to hit max level and complete the requirements to find out you can’t actually complete the achievement to unlock Earthen because the campaign is arbitrarily locked, yet you receive an in-game popup message upon completing the level up campaign stating you can unlock the Earthen

It’s frustrating that Earthen were advertised as if they would be readily available and yet we have to come to the forums to figure out when it’s actually going to be ready because the messaging is so confusing