When will we be able to make Earthen?

But will I be able to use my 70 token on it without any blizzard bs? :thinking:

I feel bad for anyone who wanted to main Earthen this expansion. Especially if they didn’t wanna pay irl money to do it and wanted to make an alt now they have a lot less time to get from 10-80 and gear up for s1.

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At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if they time gated race swaps and level boosts to them after running a sale for those items just before they launch

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This would be awesome if it were the case.
But it wont be.
They just decided last minute not to do as they advertised.


The War Within Campaign (needed for Earthen) is indeed gated. I had EA so I just completed the 1st two chapters of the 5 and bang! Waiting on Alleria.

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I can not be let down my expectations for BlizZard are already low. Art and music teams are AAA+ though.

This is why communication with customers is important IMO. BlizZard needs to try to do better and they should!

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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They’re so absolutely boring though :frowning: I’m like level 71 on my hunter main and already hate their monotone dull voices and their boring city.

super glad I made a ticket during day 1 of EA, I received my epic edition refund last night just in time to rejoin the poors on “launch” today


Then don’t do an early access?

Even if they didn’t do ea I’d still want them week one, cause after leveling my unlock character I have nothing left to do

I’ll log on tonight, do the 2 chapters available, and log off til next Tues

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But I think that only puts more stress on everyone regardless of early access or not because now everyone has to wait.

This is why if you go all in with early access you have to go all in because now no one is happy lol.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Wonder if they’re just going to go full send on this and hope they don’t get the False Advertisement Lawsuit or if they’re trying to garner the best way of stating “Yeah… we screwed that one up good didn’t we.”

That is some Grade A deception that was done. I am disappointed in Blizzard on this one. Shame.


I used to be a retail manager, and when something is in writing the company HAS to honor it. The earthen has been advertised and it is in writing. They are letting down the customer base and opening themselves to false advertising lawsuits…


If anything - it is likely they might do, “Due to player feed back we have removed ‘The War Within’ campagin requirement needed to unlock Earthen.”

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Nah theyd rather delete the writing XD


I just read sept 3rd which is BS everything I seen said release, I really do not complain much but this definitely left a bad taste, I was hoping to level during the holiday weekend.

Oh well I guess i will be bored on my 80 while I wait for Alleria

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Thank you, I looked at Twitter but couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t find it … and here’s the reason: the one that keep getting linked, including on Reddit and Wowhead, is the fake one.

That’s the real one. Per World of Warcraft’s official Twitter account.
“Play the new titan-forged allied race upon completion of the war within campaign.”

The campaign is fully released next week. That’s when you get access to it.

Edit: Both are real but this is the more recent one from the 12th of August, whereas the other one was older from the 15th of July. Regardless of this, not much of what I have said changes.

Yes, and this is why: you believed a faked infographic and thought “hey, I believe in fake news but someone who released the real news should be responsible for me believing something which was faked.”
Mind you I don’t blame you for being fooled, I also believed Wowhead’s one was real. But it turns it out wasn’t. The difference between you and I is that I can own up to that I got fooled by Wowhead whereas you want someone to be held accountable for someone else’s dis-/misinformation

Look again.

This isn’t rocket science.


Follow your own advice:
