When will we be able to make Earthen?

not only that it originally said leveling campaign not full. after part one of story it said earthen now available.


This is seriously LAME.


this is entirely a sign of what’s to come, more of the same old same old. Never changes.


I really don’t know why after all this time we still expect Blizzard to change (for the best that is). We all should have learned by now.


I also implore everyone to take a look at the “get back in the fight” article on the launcher.

  • Meet the Earthen
  • Click Learn More
    On their official page it lists out all the requirements, of which this level 80 War Within campaign is not listed.
    Blizz blatantly lied and false advertised.

False Advertisement lawyers about to have a field day with this lmao.


Conveniently a day after the sale ends.

Ya, you can buy it now, how many people don’t follow social media stuff and will go to buy one after they unlock it? Seems scummy.

There is still confusion, Kaivax mentioned 4th chapter available, but main storyline has 5 chapters, does that mean we have to wait longer for the 5th to unlock?

little concerned as there are 5 storyline chapters in the The War Within campaign, so will we actually be able to complete this on Sept 3 or will we be still waiting on the fifth and final chapter?

And again, why wasn’t this clearly communicated until right before launch?
Your own promotional materials list Earthen being available in Early Access and they were not. They were indicated as being available at global launch and they are not.


Just unbreak this decision by fixing it with tomorrow’s maintenance. You all should have never time-gated access to the new race. This is an incredibly poor decision.


They need to remove the War Within Campaign achievement for this. So upsetting.


I just got an e-mail from Blizzard stating “Playable Earthen Race unlocked after completing their quests and the overall level-up campaign.” – The False Advertising continues.


False advertising AND even the freaking adventure mode unlock says we can do it. Someone in corporate thought last min to time gate this crap. Needs a false advertisement lawsuit.


My best guess is that timegating the story was a late decision and they didn’t think it through, so now they have to pretend this was intentional.


Gaslight (sending Kaivax to lie for them), Gatekeep (the story and unlocking of earthern), and girlboss (Ion being babygirl).


These are definitely not good signs at a launch. It bodes ill for the future honestly.

What can we take at face value from them anymore if they won’t even honor their own Roadmaps they release? Or heck even their own promotional e-mails.

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Stop with the time gating. Let the kids play…

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I did all sidequests and was expecting to unlock today with all the advertising. Even though it’s only a week I’m extremely miffed about this

GG Bliz for making me lose interest in your game…yet again.

Remove the timegate!


I am hoping that they were delayed not for scummy timegating reasons but because they want to give them more customisations and or classes before launch. However even if that is the case it should’ve been communicated but that’s the only thing that would justify it for me.

Blizzard has said they wanted to slowly move towards all race and classes. Earthen then being the first race (that can be more then one class) since then logically should’ve gotten every class.

I get DK doesn’t have an obvious solution but with creativity anything is possible. AS GW2 once said. “Golemancy is next to Necromancy”.

And druid has no lore excuse because there are explicitly Earthen druid npcs in game.

Yeah this really killed my hype for the game at all, this in additon to awakened vendors in DF not being reverted in expansions who supposedly care about people other than raid loggers they sure go out of their way to make the content as timegated as possible.