When will we be able to make Earthen?

still more interesting than HUMAN


Thanks for the clear date. Though timegating the Earthen is a terrible move. I waited till I hit the timegate wall of the main campaign to respond to this and there is no lore reason for the earthen to not be unlocked even at the timegate wall. Of course there is no reason to timegate the rest of the campaign either, the last bit of the main campaign will have us either preparing to do the first raid or be finished after the first raid (which if its the latter then the Earthen don’t actually unlock till the 3rd but until you finish the raid, which for some may be longer then others). So why timegate it till the 3rd?


I got that quest, and it originally told me I needed to get a key… but now it states I don’t… But I don’t have a key as I used it already. It’s now just asking me to complete a bountiful delve. But I don’t’ want to unless I have a key because it seems weird that it’s stating I have fulfilled the requirement of having a key when I don’t.

Yep Bliz scammed anyone who was expecting to be able to play earthen in EA then time gated it further for literally no reason. Now i have to wait a week to be able to enjoy the xpac guess its back to GW2 who knows maybe the new xpac there which doesnt time gate the promised stuff will make me forget all about the war within. gonna make sure i unsub just in case i forget to come back.

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Where is it confirmed?

I must say I am a very disappointed hearing the earthen won’t unlock until sept 3. That IS a broken promise, if they do that, it is clearly under EA and aug 26. I also was looking forward to playing them.


I was asking in regard to something completely different, but thank you I guess?

Cs forum for the event stuff

I had no problem with them not being available for early access, or even the first reset tomorrow, but this is all wildly misleading. I hope you can pass it on to the higher ups that this comes across as dishonest considering previous material indicated they’d be out with launch.


Why are we time gating msq?

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I vote we start a petition to get them unlocked tomorrow because im sorry we were given a chart that adverised unlockable on release. Anything else is false advertisement. Them confirming something after the fact doesnt mean they didnt break false advertisement laws.


Yeah, that’s about it being soulbound, not that it literally just disappeared from my Warband bank, unless I’m missing something.

This has put a serious damper on a really good expansion. I was ok with waiting until actual launch but waiting a week before I can progress my Main when it was advertised upon release is too far. Looking into refunding expansion.


Time will tell, but it appears that we’re entering another Shadowlands mentality era.

We’re all wrong, the Developers are right. They know whats fun for us, we don’t.

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So you guys false advertised it being available on release. How about making them unlockable tomorrow. Because right now you guys are in violation of false advertisement. Based on your release map and advert.


Because they think players like it - after all, subs have been growing astronomically since they started doing it in Legion/BfA!

Likely them going soul bound is what made them disappear


im gonna be real i think it was the youtubers and streamers who have been making high quality content on warcraft reigniting a flame for most and pulling in new players not the game itself

True but this time if someone decides to take them to court for all the players they wrongd they would lose.