When will we be able to make Earthen?

Just to clarify, does this mean the campaign starting with quest ‘The Fleet Arrives’ cannot be started at all? The quest is showing on the main map but the quest is not appearing when arriving at the location.

sheesh, be up front with all of the blizzard, obviously there was a ton of confusion based on the info was out there

they set it up in the beginning and allow the side quest to be done. i dont know why they are holding it back

I’ve completed the first two chapters, the fleet arrives was the start of that

no you can its just a small chunk of story though not the full thing

Is that Earth Day?

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nope, only 2 of the 5 chapters are currently available.

What I want to know is why were not given this information from an official source until 30 minutes before global launch, and why only when enough threads asking the same question were noticed?

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Just wanted to add my voice to the chorus of people who bought early access for Earthen because that what all the marketing said.


Because they wanted to get your money


Thanks for clarifying. The quest is not appearing for me. Only on the larger map. Relogging doesn’t help. :frowning:

EDIT: FYI, the quest has now appeared for me on the platform at 36,80. It was previously showing on the larger map at Foundation Hall.

Yup, this is my last expansion. I was really enjoying the release so far; it was probably the smoothest I’ve seen (no queues for my full server, but that might be indicative of something else, like a dying population). I wasn’t enjoying it enough to prepurchase for early access the next time around, but I think the zones are pretty and the story telling is better.

But this on top of the Dalaran gear just disappearing from my Warband vault - for what purpose? - is enough. The bait and switch was there for Remix and it took weeks for that to get straightened out. This company doesn’t care about its players, just its margins.


That’s a confirmed bug

So I basically have no reason to play until next week? Got it… Ya’ll need to take ideas from that “other” MMO on how to do campaign quests.


Just started halfway into dragonflight. And if this is how blizz does expansion launches ill just leave. Ill just go play fem hrothgar that came out on release of dawntrail on ff14


Do the other MMOs still honor both factions? As an Example… If I was Horde in those… Would I still be reporting to the Alliance at every shake of a fist? Do they honor Faction Identity?

Gee, and he had so many not-so-nice things to say about me.

Most mmos don’t really have factions, cause they tend to not work for player controlled characters

If they do it’s for pvp only

Yea they hella lied its launch and cant unlock earthern. Good job blizzard you hyped a feature available on launch and then dropped the ball ao hard it put a crater in the ground. Like come on devs get it together smh.


This is really disappointing and I actually feel like I was scammed a bit… I doubt that I would have purchased the early access if I had been informed that the Earthen race would not be unlocked until a full week after normal release…
When you sell something as an early release feature you should probably allow people that purchased that to be able to get it.
Could use that 30 bucks back…


Hi Kaivax – not trying to be a troll, but I’m legitimately curious if Blizzard is taking any lessons learned from this rollout of early access, because from the player POV this has been by far the worst one. There has been a lot of confusion about what content is available on what dates, and more importantly the lack of clear communication has led to a lot of players being unsure if they were encountering in-game bugs.

One example would be the world quests for weekly cache rewards such as the Lamplighter flame quests – everyone was doing those quests and trying to figure out how to access the cache. There are also some scenarios where similar missing information has caused players to set their progress back in some regards (e.g. already using their bountiful delve key from from Special Assignment only to find out that a new quest was added today that requires doing a bountiful delve, but now there aren’t enough WQs left to get another key).

There has been a ton to love about The War Within – honestly, huge kudos to the team in general! Unfortunately the Early Access in particular has probably been the worst part of the expansion, which is ironic considering it’s the part you’re charging a premium for.