When will we be able to make Earthen?

Imagine if TBC released with Draeni and Blood elves delayed 2 weeks lol.


Its only 2 weeks after the start of early access so not the end of the world…

But considering theres at least 3 different places blizzard showcased earthen as being part of early access, im kinda feeling like they ran a scam on us here.

I know blizzard isnt the most respectable company most of the time anyways, but it is interesting how they always find new ways to let people down.


Just unfortunate, have to find something else to play this week

Feels like Blizzard got themselves a nice new pair of shoes then shot themselves in the foot for no particular reason. Dunno why they always do this to themselves. Particularly while trying to convince people to come back.


The story not fully out right at release I assume it’s rolling out. People need to chill maybe touch some grass.

Yeah after previous races either unlocked on release day, or were part of pre-order pre-patch bonuses, this feels very backwards.

Now is exactly the time you would want to be leveling and prepping your action bars and getting gear to catch up to other characters before season 1.


This seems like such a scummy move. I’m sure the thought behind this is if they unlock it after a week you will feel like you are behind and buy a race change instead of leveling a fresh character so you don’t miss out on progression…


So they already radically deviated from their roadmap… Good sign.

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Incorrect. The roadmap was made by and released by blizzard. One look at wowhead or even icy veins will tell you that.

There IS a road map that was made by others, but this one is blizzard:

Earthen is very clearly listed under Early Access and Global Launch.


Bro the whole reason i got EA was for earthen. Now i have to wait until sept 3. I feel like ive been lied to and ran around by blizzard. And as a New WOW player it leaves a bad taste in my mouth when i could go play ff14.


Okay, you guys listed Earthen as “early access” probably to farm $90 from people. There was no Earthen. Now you’re time-gating Earthen with the campaign until next week right as a sale ends.

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What??? I literally feel like i’ve been scammed right now


Tbf, you can buy the thing now and save it if you want

Honestly, you have been.


So Blizzard being a lying manipulative corporation? Who knew!


This is extremely upsetting, as up until right now the Earthen have been advertised as playable in early access and global launch. For those of us planning to play as the new race, we can’t even get started until next week.

This needs to be changed.


I kinda dont want to play anymore because of this


Blizzard needs to emergency patch this or i’m unsubbing.


they already got mine for the year or i would

I get pacing the story, but there’s no real good reason to gate Earthen Dwarves until September 3rd just cause reasons.