Weekly quest is 1500 Honor in Rated Arenas

Respectfully, you should read beyond your limited barriers before taking this stance. It shows an egregious lack of understanding the issue which is something I expect less of from you.

Locked races have been universally hated since mop, which was why this infographic was taken by a large number of players to be different. I don’t think it looks similar, do you have examples?

There is no story reason for this though, you’ve made that up.

I mean, I don’t want to dunk you too hard but this is a completely weak argument. “Oh I got asked to prove my take, but that’s too involved so I won’t. But believe me bro.”

Idk, I expect a lot more from you. Evidently that expectation is heavily misplaced.

Here’s two threads with people discussing how they got the same idea as I did:

Here’s a comment stating my exact point here actually:

Even WoWhead comments are confused:

Many people got the same impression I have. I feel that’s entirely reasonable to call out. You’re just flat out wrong man.