When will the alliance bias end?


Don’t know when he’ll be back here.


How much is this guy spending just to post?


So, I think he’s gone for a month. I miss you, Erevien. You started valuable discussions, even if by accident, more valuable than the posts I delete.

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He kept creating the same threads over and over again. I for one will not miss him. And given what he has posted on his twitter, I hope no-one will miss him as well outside of ironic reasons. Like getting a good laugh out of his threads for how silly they were.


I’d take Erevien over Ethriel


… What in the world?

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I was just joking, myself. I have no problem with Ethriel either.

Is the alliance bias over yet? When will the alliance lose at least 20 leaders in a single row?

Tyrande: Did literally nothing before BFA except tell the humans how they were right and she was wrong and needed to change

Maiev: Is just a part time announcer for legion and darkshore warfront and has zero effect on the story since that time she showed up in the black temple

Anduin: Spent the entirety of his character arc since mop praising the horde until he finally grew a pair at the end of BFA. Currently busy being Sylvana’s pet so she doesn’t get lonely

Velen: literally did nothing until he was murdered in wod. Continued to do nothing until the horde needed to get to argus

Jaina: literally was Thrall’s pocket until the horde nuked her entire city into literal dust. kicked them out of dalaran and did literally nothing else until she turned a normal boat into a flying boat at the end of BFA

Genn: only sticks around to be an antagonist to horde in whatever zone needs an enemy.

Know why horde lost so many people? Because the story is about the horde. the alliance are only background characters.


No. The Horde lost so many people because Blizzard has alliance bias. It sucks out all fun for Horde players which is why so many of them left the game entirley. Alliance rules the lore. THEY are the protagonist. And that was so since vanilla. Not a single Horde character was ever relevant for the lore. Ever. So stick your lies to yourself and leave my thread. Your toxcity is not wanted here.

Alliance bias my backside. Half the of the alliance isn’t even relevant to any expansion we’re in. Blizz does not and never will understand what a alliance is.

Worgen, night elf, gnome and dwarf fans all would like to know where this bias supposedly is because it doesn’t exist for half of them

all alliance leaders are alive and are getting good story from Blizzard. Meanwhile the Horde cast evaporated during Bfa and is no comrpomised of trash people who force the Horde under a tyranny of peace. That is the alliance bias I am talking about. Alliance is allowed to hate the Horde without consequences. But once Sylvanas started to hate the alliance they removed her from the faction. That is injustice. It is unfair. And I will fight these story decisions until Blizzard reverses it and gives us back the Horde to a time when they were strong and undefeated.

Undefeated Horde? I think you and I remember the second war very differently.

In case the trolly nature of this thread wasn’t clear enough lmao.


At least this statement seems to be true.


He’s right about one thing, the Alliance suck. FYI he isn’t right about Sylvanas, Sylvanas is a traitor. But the Alliance stole the Amani trolls land, enslaved the Orcs and murdered Zul’jin, the great Amani leader. No doubt about it, the Alliance bias is bad. It should end with the Horde finally conquering Azeroth from the Alliance and putting Genn Graymane, Anduin Wrynn, Vereesa and Aleria Windrunner on a pike outside Orgrimmar. Lok’Tar Ogar for freedom.

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The second war was when the evil Humans and alliance of Lordaeron defended their hypocritically stolen land from Orcs and the Amani trolls (who were there in the first place).
No doubt the Horde should have won, but Gul’dan had to betray and foil the victory. Gul’dan ruins everything.

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The Alliance has never been given a good story by Blizzard.


And your point is? The Horde did still lose the second war. Whether we think they should have or not is immaterial.

Actually there’s reasonable evidence to say the Humans were in large portions of Lordaeron first in current lore, due to when Tyr actually lead the titanforged south and the C’thraxxi he fought awakening years later in the war that lead the Amani to chase him up north into modern Quel’thalas.