When will the Alliance be humiliated?

Yes, we get it. You think violence against women is funny.

Thatā€™s a football field level stretch Aki and you know this.

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Perhaps if I was going on that quote alone, maybe. But Iā€™m not. There are countless examples like this. You have been very outspoke regarding your hate for night elves, your love for BFA and Sylvanas, and your desire to see Tyrande made a villain for daring to pursue justice against those who wronged her.

I think Tyrande is kind of a jerkā€¦ Iā€™m sorry. But I also think Sylvanas is kind of a jerk and sheā€™s my favorite.


I see nothing wrong with women being unapologetic jerks.


This has become an interesting topic.

Youā€™re right. How dare she want justice for herself and her people. Why canā€™t she just sit down and be quiet like a good woman? Right?

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What true colors? I see that she made accusations, but what you said seems fine to me.

She rather keep it arbitrary. Let you assume the worst of me so she can come in and reaffirm those beliefs.

Eventually youā€™ll figure out that all the things you heard about me is a lie. The people here are manipulative like that.

Well, Iā€™m sorry for being toxic to you earlier. I can at least say that.


Thatā€™s fair, and Iā€™m sorry I roped you into old arguements.

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Youā€™re good. I donā€™t hold grudges. Not unless someone else brings it up.

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Glad we could make amends, Aki.

Arenā€™t we all humiliated by still being in WoW?


And the lore. The only single good thing about WoW is that it allows me to be a panda.

We didnā€™t bring gas masks to the siege of Undercity. Thatā€™s pretty embarrassing.


That was pretty dumb of the Alliance tbh. Itā€™s not like they didnā€™t know the Forsaken produce the Plague. Did they not learn from the Wrathgate and Gilneas?

Thereā€™s this old saying, " fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."

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Oh, yeah, and Anduin should have reacted faster when Sylvanas said ā€œYouā€™ve wonā€¦ nothing.ā€ There was a little bit of time between that and her turning into a Banshee, from what I recall.

You can pick apart a lot of cutscenes in this game. For example, I really hate the cutscene where Maiev captures the Demon Hunters.

Actually, does the Alliance even have access to that technology?

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The Alliance constantly does stupid things for the plot to happen. Night elves sent like 90% of their military to Silithus for some reason, allowing the Horde blitz to work. They somehow forgot the tunnels through Felwood that Saurfang knew about for some reason.

Vindicaar was also not seen once during BFA. Worgen nor Draenei were not seen during the initial invasion of Teldrassil.

This gameā€™s story is actually awful.


I think Zerde will have an explanation, and it will sound good.

Thatā€™s the one thing in WoW storytelling that really bugs me. From time to time, the writers let these things happen and use them as plot devices, without exploring the consequences of these decisions.

Bronze Dragonflight: ā€œThank you for your help, Champions. Without you, the timeline would have been changed.ā€
Blizzard: ā€œHeey, we need toā€¦ bend the rules for this next one. Garrosh will timetravel to the past and do some changes.ā€
Bronze Dragonflight: ā€œButā€¦ that would be horrible! You would change our history! After all the players didā€¦ā€
Blizzard: ā€œYeah, right. Here, letā€™s seeā€¦ this is a Bronze Dragonflight-Device that, when used, creates an alternate universe!ā€
Bronze Dragonflight: ā€œButā€¦ weā€™re Time-Keepers, not Reality-Keepers. Despite that, why would we let him do that?!ā€
Blizzard: ā€œWellā€¦ you have a traitor among you! But donā€™t look for him, heā€™s irrelevant and will be dead soon after he helped Garrosh. Donā€™t think too hard about it, itā€™s not a timetravel expansion, k?ā€
Bronze Dragonflight: ā€œWhat?! Why are we even involved then?ā€
Blizzard: ā€œJust seemed right, you guys werenā€™t doing anything. Oh, andā€¦ donā€™t forget to actively help the Horde mess with the space-timeā€“continuum in a few years, when the show up to find new allies for an unnecessary war!ā€
Bronze Dragonflight: ā€œWhatā€¦ ever.ā€

MoP-Jaina: ā€œOnce more, Dalaran will join the Alliance!ā€
Players: ā€œWhat? Wow. How does this even work with Horde and Alliance in theā€¦ā€
Blizzard: ā€œHa! Wait for it.ā€
Players: ā€œCome on, thatā€™s a pretty big deal. Will there be another Dalaran? What about Jaina?ā€
Blizzard: ā€œJust a moment.ā€
Players: ā€œOkayā€¦ itā€™s been a while. Will we ever see how Dalaran actually changes when the Hordeā€¦ā€
Blizzard: ā€œAaaand the Legion is here, byyyeee Jaina, welcome back, Horde!ā€
Players: ā€œā€¦ā€

Alliance in BfA: ā€œSince the Zandalari are talking to the Horde about joining them, we will attack their city!ā€
Players: ā€œWait, what? Why? Wouldnā€™t that make them even more desperate to join the Horde? Whatā€™s the purpose of th-ā€
Alliance: ā€œTO DAZARā€™ALOR!ā€

Not to mention the internal logic of the Void Elf story. :roll_eyes:

Also, there was Alleria, who literally showed regret for not killing Sylvanas earlier and was already aiming at her with her arrow: