When will the Alliance be humiliated?

As Lux, I supported this argument of yours. I do think there is narrative bias against the Night Elves for being a female led and female dominated race and I hate that the writers chose to pit the female fan favourite Horde faction leader/race vs the Alliance female fan favourite leader/race because it’s not fair to ether fans.

I have NEVER been a “fan” of the War of Thorns. I strongly believe that the burning of Teldrassil was just as much regression for Sylvanas’s character and the Horde as it was a kick in the teeth to the Night Elves. You think I enjoy Sylvanas “Becoming Arthas?” no, that’s a slap in the face.


I didn’t mean to start another fight between you two. How exactly did Aki bully those Night Elf fans? With negativity?

Alright, let’s see. For someone that isn’t a fan of it, you sure like to defend Sylvanas’ actions while rejecting justice for the Kaldorei.

A self proclaimed Sylvanas loyalist, for starters. Actually saying here that you thought Sylvanas was “right” your words.

Here you say you liked the overall story BFA was trying to tell.

Here you make light of plot point that normalizes violence against women, at the expense of Nelf fans who are rightly upset with it.

Here you insult someone for wanted justice for what was done.

Here you say Kaldorei do not deserve justice.

Here you paint Tyrande as a villain, a sentiment you reiterate several times, clearing wanting her to be the villain and for Sylvanas to be the Anti-hero.

Want to keep lying?

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Sylvanas was not pitted against Tyrande because they are both women. She is a character that has literally fought nearly all the Alliance faction leaders.

I would say them ending fighting against each other is more due to the dicotomy between the Forsaken/Night elf. Like it or not certain races in the Alliance Horde have a rival in the other(human vs orcs, draenei vs blood elves, gnomes vs goblins etc). The Forsaken/Night elves were OG opposite of each other partial also because they were the two newest races for the factions in vanilla(and maybe just abit because aside from Jaina these two were the only important female leaders)


I’m a fan of Sylvanas first. Everything else is secondary.

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Are you sure? The Night Elf and Forsaken rivalry was not a huge thing until BfA. I’d say the Forsaken and humans had a bigger grudge.

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I agree with you Zerde.

Fundimentally I see nothing wrong between having Tyrande and Sylvanas fight. Male characters are pitted against one another all the time.

I have very mixed feelings about how female characters are presented and more importantly how they are recieved. But do love the rivalry between the Night Elves and Forsaken and Sylvanas and Tyrande as foils, which Akiyass misrepresents. I enjoyed the Darshore warfront because it reminded me of WC undead vs Night Elf campaigns and that Life vs Death promordial conflict.

It’s a mixed bag of emotions. I enjoy both themes.


Oh boy, here comes Zerde with the mansplaining

And you continue the long train of abuse that night elf fans have endured from sexist writers at Blizz by being a blind follower.

And you continue to throw other women under the bus when we are not a collective hivemind.


Ei, we have had forsaken invading Ashenvale since Vanilla as I recall. Add to the there the fact night elves represent nature and forsaken represent undeath, which is antitheical to nature.

Also if you faction change Darnassus rep becomes Undercity rep and vice versa.


I am not throwing women under the bus. I am calling you out for being a toxic jerk who has been putting down and ridiculing women for years since BFA.

You just disrespected Zerde just for having an opinion.

Zerde is probably one of the least toxic men here and never once has he ever inserted his opinion just to mansplain.


Because I don’t think it is a respectable opinion.

The dude target locks on nelf threads like a seeking missile. Always swooping in to try to mansplain away any and all claims that WoW’s story could be in anyway sexist.

He is basically Finnibas but not as funny.


He’s not a bad guy. He just loves the Alliance.

I don’t think he is a bad guy… He wears his biases on his sleeve, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing until it is to the point where he is rejecting the notion of sexism in a story written in the Cosby Suite.

Same thing with Ren. She wants to claim to be a feminist while contributing to the longest running sexist trope in the franchise, then I am going to call her out on it.

I am sure that many dudebros, this game’s target demographic, would deny there’s anything sexist about WoW’s story whatsoever, or if there is, it’s against men, but Zerde doesn’t strike me as that kind of person.

I’ll stay out of you and Ren’s argument.

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It’s not really an arguement, more like Aki showing her true colours and that’s all I really wanted you to see.

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This was a funny joke, thanks for reminding me. God I love Cursewords, he’s a cool guy.

Still no one believes I’m just here to tell bad jokes and have fun.

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