When will the Alliance be humiliated?

The Horde lost their leaders.
The Horde lost their cities.
The Horde lost all battles in Bfa.
The Horde lost everything.

When I ask When will it finally be time that the alliance is the one at the humiliation ending of the story?

It is not fair that the alliacne gets away with everything they have done.

Jaina is not dead.
Neither are Genn or Gelbin.

They put a brown dookie on the Zandalari and all Baine and Thrall care about is thei armistice.


I will not stop until the alliance is being put down like the rabid dogs they are.

The Alliance leaders will die.
The alliance cities will burn.
the Alliance battles will be lost.

All alliance scum will be put to justice by myself.

Be afraid of me alliance community. I will hunt you all down. Until everything you love is gone. And you will scream in agony knowing that it was the great Erevien who took everything away from you.



Dont worry, Quelthalas with get too destroyed or collapsed by a Voidwell to summon the Dark God from Beyond.


Losing our leaders, our cities, all the battles in BfA and everything else is a small price to pay for not having night elves in the Horde.

I’d put violence to my own undead-mum to prevent that.

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All you’re going to get from this thread is a bunch of Alliance players coming in to say that not being able to destroy the Horde has humiliated them.


Those alliance players suck and most of us consider them a joke.


They will be humiliated when Blizzard tries to make their faction more edgy, and they lose their moral high ground.

How about Blizzard go edit the Camp Taurajo storyline in order to force Alliance players to participate in the massacre, instead of saying it was an accident?

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Well, I’m all Horde and even I would say that’s something that I’d advocate for. The Horde has done too many heinous things at this point to where not getting outright destroyed by even the full might of the Cenrian Circle and Argent Crusade + Ebon Blade makes no sense.


What needs to happen:

  1. they need to lose all battles
  2. they need to lose 50% or more of their leader cast
  3. they need to be forced to side with the Horde in order to attack their own city.

This isn’t SWTOR, where one faction is meant to be explicitly evil, with minor moral choices that make no difference.


Theramore, Southshore, Anderhol, Ashenvale says hi.

No, you “won” the War of Thorns and like always got punched back hard by the Alliance.

I wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you.

Edit: it’s nice seeing such a blue wave.


The Alliance is the reason the Bilgewater Cartel joined the Horde. You are war criminals.


Was a fair battle and you lost. Don’t be salty.

is back in nightelf control.

So you admit the alliance won everything? Good. Be aware of your privilige and check it. White man.

I will not stop until the alliance gets humiliated the same way the Horde was in bfa.


Technically, looting corpses for money is also a war crime, but I probably shouldn’t count that.

So was Stromgarde/Darkshore, also, I am not the one starting threads about how unfair it is.

The didnt win everything, if the Alliance had “won” what they wanted Theramore/Teldrassil would still be standing. Also, I am not even american!

Good luck with that. The Horde just got a taste of the consequences of their actions since Vanilla(really anyone who didn’t think things would turn out badly with Sylvanas/Garrosh was kidding themselves)

And the Horde is the reason the Worgens joined the Alliance. Also, I honestly don’t think Varian or anyone higher up knew about the whole bildgewater thing. Think what you will of Varian, but he isn’t the kind of guy who just sink ships for no reason.


You will fall. mark my words. The Alliance will not be left standing once Sylvanas returns to us and gets rid of the council. Then we can wipe off the Alliance from the map for good.

You are alliance. Check your blue privilege.

So you admit Blizzard favors the alliance! Finally. Self awareness is important.


No one denied the Horde’s actions.

Are you kidding me about Varian not knowing? You do know why the Alliance was there, right? They wanted to capture Thrall, and bring him to Stormwind, with no witnesses. How on Azeroth would Varian not know that?


Simple, that Varian didn’t give the order/had given different ones and it was actually twilight hammer(you know the organization that had inflitrated Stormwind and would have a bigger reason to want Thrall dead) calling the shots.


That is headcanon that only has the possibility of being true simply because the Alliance perspective is never given.


And the idea that Varian or any of the Alliance faction leaders knew/condoned it is just as much headcanon because neither of us can prove it one way or the other.


That’s not headcanon. It’s just putting two and two together. The thing you’re suggesting was invented out of whole cloth.