When will the Alliance be humiliated?


Stormwind, Gilneas, Theramore, Darnasses

((…Are the people in this thread trolling? lmao))

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Don’t say that, you’ll get the NE mafia on your case and they will get you banned.


Are they still active? Is this a common occurance?

I never got a chance to argue with Ethriel, after I previously agreed with some of her takes on GD. I was a fool.


If anything, Night Elf players get mass reported by edgy manlets who are threatened by outspoken women.

And we all know which of the two Blizzard supports.


Night elf fans do have a TON of legitimate complains. Years worth really. Problem is , whenever those problems get bought up, certain posters get their feelings hurt and try to shut them down


Horde AND Alliance. Because the problem concerns both factions. Blizzard’s story telling has always pandered to the uber masculine. That leads to the Horde always having the on-screen victories. From a ravaged Ashenvale, to deforested Stonetalon, to a burned Teldrassil, to a Blighted Darkshore. To the only Night Elf presence in Kul Tiras being there for the sole purpose of the Horde player to Kill. Same can be said for Quel’thalas. Even in novels, where new and unique Nelf characters are made solely for the purpose of being killed and/or brutalized for the emotional impact it has on non-nelf characters, or to be saved by uber masculine men in shining, Alliance armor.

Pained in Tides of War. Delaryn in Elegy and WoT. Tyrande in Wolfheart. Maiev in TBC and the Illidan Novel (Which is even more heinous, because she was physically and emotionally abused by Illidan while in captivity, and he was made out to be a hero in the following expansion). Hell, they time traveled two male characters, both male mary-sues/self-inserts’, 10,000 years into the past so they could rescue the poor weak and feminine night elves from the Burning Legion, and didn’t even bother to say it was an AU story, but rather altering the main timeline.

Night Elves are not even allowed to keep the lore of their PAST!

Night Elves, being the matriarchal, warrior race protected by the Moon Goddess should be the epicenter of women positive story telling in WoW. When it is, in fact, as far from that as you could possibly get. And with a certain recent lawsuit, we are all familiar as to why that is.


Doness here. How dare you accuse me of that! /s

Whoops, forgot about my Demon Hunter.

Aki still has a point, though I know you were being sarcastic. There are some man babies who post here that are terrified of outspoken women. It’s beyond sad

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On the Story Forums? I don’t see many of those people here anymore. You have to have half a brain to analyze a story, after all.


Most of ‘‘em left, but a few of the brain dead ones are still posting here

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Except Anduin told us specifically he thought it was a trap. He wanted to risk it however because had he suceeded in killing/capturing Sylvanas it would have ended. All I can hope for now if we get even just a small part of Sylvanas novel explaining the Alliance side of the events then.

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A lot of them are not as active here because the nelf community is practically dead. After BfA, and now the whole Tyrande fiasco, it is amazing any OG nelf player is still around.

The people that wanted nelf players silenced got what they wanted.


I wasn’t talking about Night Elf players in that post. I was referring to those people you claimed were threatened by outspoken women.

I agree with a lot of what you said about Night Elves, actually. Maybe I misjudged you. You aren’t all bad.

You didn’t misjusge her. She bullied away half of those Night Elf players herself, there was a lot of infighting on how upset people should have been about the direction of the story causing Night Elf players who unhappy about the direction of the story, to turn on other Night Elf fans who were mostly neutral. Kyalin and Akiyass frequently disagreed. Kyalin was a big name here for awhile among NE players.

There was an underlying need by Ethriel and friends to still be vitrolic and angry about Teldrassil even though the story is offering renewal.


Teldrasil is and always will be a sore spot for night elf AND worgen players. It’s still the elephant in the room that needs to be addressed. Y’all got away with a genocide and you honestly think we should just stop being upset about teldrasil?


I think Ethriel is back. There’s a Teldrassil thread on GD, and OP sounds just like her.

I don’t think you should stop being upset.

Lol, you know I lead Kaldorei centric RP events that brought in hundreds of RPers, right? I didn’t bully away anyone. I literally lead one of the most inclusive communities on Moon Guard.

You are just talking about yourself, because you were a vocal supporter of the War of Thorns, and I came after you a few times for it. Why? Because it is the most overt and shameless display of Blizzard once again using the Kaldorei as a damsel trope narrative device. Not only that, but it is a long running tradition in WoW story telling to normalize violence against women. The Kaldorei being the matriarchal species that suffers the brunt of the attack at least 4 times since Warcraft Three, not including the skirmishes of the Warsong that have plagued Kaldorei territory since Classic WoW.

Don’t @ me with your lies. I will always run you over. Your history is sketchier than mine.

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Who Sorrowmoon? yeah, it seems like Ethriel might be avoiding a perma ban by creating a new trial account. She’s an EU player I think named Elesana.