When will the Alliance be humiliated?

We both know she was enslaving them to insure she was immortal. Lets not try to paint Sylvanas as some sort of savior now. Much as I like the character and all.


The Valkyr are all enslaved to one power or another, either Odyn, Helya or Zorvaal. Why not Sylvanas too?

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It is just so funny to me, people want to be die hard Sylvanas fan. But utterly refuse to acknowledge her for what she is.

You can like the villain, guys. It’s okay. Lol.

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I’m willing to die on the Sylvanas is a savior hill. She saved Quel’thalas in the third war, she saved the Forsaken at the Battle of Gilneas and she saved the Horde at the Broken Shore.

She’s literally given the title “Defender of her people” in the Sylvanas Warbringers… that’s what she is.

Just, the Alliance are no longer her people.

She serves The Horde. She’s the Horde’s defender now. And she’s damn good at it.

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Then why make Genn the aggressor and then conveniently also making him “the hero who did right”.

It’s like you completely misunderstand what people are upset with. Nobody cares who Sylvanas enslaved or how bad she is. People care that even when the Allince is blatantly wrong, they still end up right.


What makes you think they are enslaved and not just… Willingly choosing their allegiances?

A savior to who?

Not to the Val’kyr. Not to the Night Elves. Not to the families of the Blood Elf corpses she stole in TBC. Not to the humans she enslaved in did experiments on in classic. Not the the Gilneans when she invaded and chemical bombed their home.

What does Savior mean to you?

It’s Sylvanas though. It’s not like her being a horrible, evil person is new. That has always been the case.

If it was literally any other leader, then you would have a point. But it’s Sylvanas. And the Alliance was there under the assumption she was up to something to begin with.

Yeah… that is kind of the problem lol.


The equivalent would be robbing and killing someone, not knowing that he was going to go on a school shooting rampage. You technically saved lives, by pure accident.

Didn’t -know- but you saw the warning signs. Saw that he was torturing small animals behind the Gym. Saw that he was buying guns and ammo. Saw that he kept a journal where he wrote down all his violent fantasies. Saw that he kept a kill list of people he knew from school.

It’s not about Sylvanas or Genn, it’s about the choices writers make.


Sylvanas is on a quest for immortality, something that has been part of her character since the end of Wrath.

Sylvanas sees a way to do this by enslaving a sapient species of angels.

Genn attacks Sylvanas on a hunch, not knowing the full extent of her plan, but given their history, he assumes it is bad.

Genn chases her to the tomb of Eyir and discovers he plan all along, and stops her.

All of these motivations are consistent with their character. It makes sense. You are asking for Sylvanas to stop being Sylvanas. It is something I notice about Sylvanas fans. They don’t actually like her, they just like her energy and aesthetic. But don’t care about her motivations or development.

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No, he attacks her because he wants revenge. He doesn’t give a damn about the Valkyr.

And again, stop trying to give me in-universe reasoning. That is not why people are upset.


That’s projection.

Sylvanas fans have a better grasp on Sylvanas than even some of the writers do. Her writing is inconsistent.

You sound like Thadeus, “you only like her because she’s edgy”


The Devs are going to release a preview tomorrow, and who knows what will happen with Sylvanas?


He knows she is there for a reason and decides to deal with her now before giving her time to put her action into motion.

The two things are not mutually exclusive. He can want to stop her from putting her plans into effect and want his revenge at the same time.

If you are a writer, you need to consider the in-universe motivations of the character.

You just confirmed what I said.

“Stop talking about WHY Sylvanas and Genn did what they did! I don’t care about that! Character motivation means nothing to me!”

Haha… Good one. That’s funny.

That is like 99% of people who like Sylvanas.

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What?! A preview of the book or 9.2?

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9.2. They also tweeted an interesting video with symbols. Zerde made a thread about it.


Im surprised y’all still care about Shadowlands story tbh.

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Sylvanas is the opposite of being a defender of the Horde. She got massive amounts of Horde soldiers killed on purpose. She caused as many casualties as she could, regardless from which side, and sent huge amounts of souls to damnation. She killed Saurfang. That’s a very terrible way to defend the Horde.


When it comes to Stormheim and Sylvanas vs Greymane, you know where I stand on that and how I feel about it. So let’s just agree to disagree and move on okay?

We’re both never going to budge from our positions anyway

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She didn’t though. In the whole Horde Civil War she only killed 29 Dark Rangers. You will see… Loyalists who’ve been pointing that out all this time will be right.

She only killed her own forces…thier deaths empowered her trough the jailer, they knew they would be sacrified.