That’s fair. Just don’t throw a tennis ball or give belly rubs, that would be cheating
Genn was the aggressor in Stormheim. We need a trial!
Greymane did nothing wrong!
Back in Legion, I loved Sylvanas. She was my fav Horde leader at that time (Boy, how things change). But fav character or not, one has to be honest with themselves. Sylvanas was there to enslave the Val’kyr. To dominate a sentient species of angelic beings.
He motivations are sympathetic but her actions are not. There was nothing morally grey about her in Stormheim. So the whole idea that Stormheim was some big transgression from the Alliance has always struck me as just dishonest, indulgent bias.
“The Alliance didn’t know her intentions! They were just being bigoted and attacked her for no reason!”
Okay, but like… Where they wrong though?
Genn didn’t know why she was there, at first, as you know. They attacked her out spite. Just because they happened to end up doing good does not make their initial attack justified.
… And by doing so, he just happened to prevent her from enslaving a fully sapient species.
Like… Maybe Genn was motivated out of hate but like… Isn’t it totally reasonable to hate someone who thinks they are entitled to OWN another person?
Why not?
We have every reason to believe Sylvanas is up to no good. That is why the Alliance is there in the first place.
And they were right. Not just right, but Sylvanas’ intentions were even worse than believed.
The fact that the game then conveniently makes them “right” is why the whole situation is even more annoying. It was a choice to make Genn “right”.
Oh and he didn’t attack because he thought Sylvanas was up to something, he just wanted revenge. That’s it. That was his motivation.
Anduin sent Genn and the PC there because they thought Sylvanas was up to something. Genn attacked out of spite, but that doesn’t change the fact that he was sent there under suspicion to begin with.
And look. Sylvanas kept mind slaves and experimented on humans in Classic. It is implied she was stealing BE corpses from the Ghostlands in TBC. She developed and used Chemical weapons in Wrath and Cata. She started making new undead in Cata. She tried to convince her Sister to do like a family murder suicide so they could be undead together in MOP. Then in Legion, she wanted to Enslave the Val’kyr… She wantes to OWN another sapient species as if they were property, and felt wronged when that was denied to her. Like she was entitled to it.
After all that, I don’t think Genn being right is “Convenient”
He just assumed Sylvanas would be herself.
He wasn’t supposed to attack unless she was actually up to something. Which was not his motivation. He attacked her just cause. And it’s incredibly annoying that the story, and subsequently, the fans, now insist that it’s perfectly justified because conveniently she was, in fact, up to something.
The appreciate the Alliance being shown to be aggressors, but I would also like this act to be treated as such by the narrative.
… And she was.
Maybe he didn’t know that but… At the end of the day, there is a whole species that gets to continue to live with free will because of his hunch. And as I mentioned, Sylvanas has a long track record of being a horrendous person. It’s not a leap for Genn to assume she was up to something.
Being the aggressor isn’t a bad thing when you are being aggressive against a known war criminal who has no reason to change.
“The Alliance attacked us unjustly in Stormhiem!”
“… You were enslaving angels to fuel your undead army.”
That is 10/10 sitcom dialogue, but people here on the forums are not trying to be funny when saying it.
Genn was being manipulated by Detheroc, who at the time was impersonating Mathias Shaw, he’s the one who gave Genn and Anduin the intel Sylvanas was headed to Stormhiem.
Detheroc’s mission was to start the 4th War, which he did, through Genn Greymane.
Stop treating it like an irl situation. All of this is a choice by the writers. It’s artificial. To make the Alliance be the aggressors for once, but then immediately abandon this point and twist the whole thing into the aggressors being “right”? Why?
Bruh he didn’t get into a bar fight with her, he attacked a her fleet when he was not supposed to.
Genn secretly attacked the Warchief of the Horde when the Horde and Alliance were unifed fighting the Legion, based on manipulations from a Dreadlord.
That’s what started the 4th War. Sylvanas just escalated it.
And? You think it would have been better to Allow Sylvanas to enslave an entire people?
because for Sylvanas’ character (Who has been keeping slaves since Classic) is was the most consistent thing to do.
… And he was right to do so. He saved a a race from enslavement lol.
She escalated it both times… the first time WHEN SHE TRIED TO ENSLAVE AN ENTIRE SAPIENT SPECIES.
Lol, this is the funniest thing on the forums, I swear.
Silently points at the stain on my living room rug in refutation
Those Valkyr are already enslaved by Odyn, maybe she was liberating them?
Or at the very least moving them under new management for the benefit of her own people.
Odyn is trash, stealing from him is justified.
Willingly serving someone isn’t enslavement.
“The Val’kyr are mine” doesn’t sound like liberation lol.