When will the Alliance be humiliated?

What rocks did Cenarius mate with?

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All of them. That’s how Dyads came to be. He mated with Therazane, that’s how Princess whatsherface was made. Maraudon was his mess.

No, Zaetar mated with Theradras which resulted in the Centaur. Dryads come from acorns and Cenarius has adopted them as his children. You have your lore mixed up. Besides, there’s nothing problematic about mating with rocks.

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He is a son of Cenarius so same thing.

Does that count as a alliance humiliation than? Since Cenarious is friends with the Night elves? This a fun rabbit hole to go down by the way :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :wolf:

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He mated with anything… everything… it was embarrassing. :rofl:

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Dude had a healthy sex drive. A little too healthy if you ask me :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :wolf:


I’d say during the “Yrel’s Holy Terror” expansion… but there’s Light worshippers among the Horde too.

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The unfortunate thing about that, is Yrel might not even count as Alliance in the future, depending on how things play out.

As a Horde Player, defeating or killing Yrel brings little to the table. Being able to kill Genn, or Jaina, or Turalyon, or Alleria would be awesome, and feel like justice. But Yrel hasn’t done anything to the Horde or to me, yet. We recruited people who fled from Yrel… but what she was doing was out of the context of Factions and more about what ever is driving her.

There is a good chance that even if she is a villain, she might see the Alliance with their Void Elves as needing some hammer time.

What ever you want to say about the Light or Yrel, I am not certain she will be reintroduced as friendly to the Alliance. Sure, it is likely she will be welcomed, and slowly cause a rift within the Alliance, and lead to the Alliance’s Civil War. But it is just as likely that she is immediately a villain to all sides as soon as she pops up again.


Oh nvm it was Malorne that was mating with everything… my bad… Cenarius was just a by product of him mating with Elune…

But still…

Night Elves worship a stag that mated with the moon.

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Still stands though. Dude had a bad habit. If it had a hole, Malorne was mating with it :wolf: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

It’s like a genderbent Zeus and the Cow myth. Only it was Elune and a stag.

Druids exist because Elune is into freaky stuff.


It explains SOOO much about everything elves do :wolf:


And this is why so few Alliance players saw Dazar’alor as any kind of meaningful victory for the Alliance. Rastakan hadn’t done anything to us at that point. Sylvanas, Gallywix, Nathanos, etc… those would’ve been meaningful blows.

Anyways, I feel your point about Yrel is spot on.

I also think that a lot of players either think, or are hopeful, that Yrel joins the Alliance and corrupts it from within via zealotry. Most Horde players I’ve spoken to are sick and tired of being the villains and would like, just once, to feel justified in a faction conflict when fighting back against the Alliance. By the same token I’ve met a lot of Alliance players who wouldn’t care about being the instigators of a new faction conflict if it meant inflicting actual pain and loss on the Horde for a change of pace.

For these players, Yrel represents that hope.

The thing is I don’t see Yrel ending up as a raid boss. I would imagine such an expansion to end with her becoming the leader of the Lightforged Draenei after being freed from AU Xe’ra’s influence, and replacing Turalyon who does end up as a raid boss just because he’s had death flags on him since BC.


But can we have “Alliance as aggressors” without Yrel?

For the Horde to have justification fighting back, won’t that mean the Horde will have to take yet more losses? (sweeping the AU Draenei’s experiences with the Iron Horde under the rug… because the writers seem dead set on doing that)

Why would Turalyon become a raid boss/fanatical when he’s been moving further away from fanaticism? (eg; his contention with Xe’ra over Alleria, his “Let the Light guide us, not command us” exchange with Faol, Genn and Anduin, having Faol and Velen by his side to be voices of reason)

How is Xe’ra supposed to be a threat when one elf high on fel juice can one-hit kill her? (even Kil’jaeden and that no-name Pit Lord from the “Harbingers: Illidan” cinematic were tougher)

So Horde fans want Yrel’s Holy Terror as reason to fight the Alliance? Alliance players want to use that to hurt the Horde? This “Light Crusade” expansion sounds like it’s built on hate and the Conflict Ball trope.

He’s had death flags on him since BC. I fully expect AU Xe’ra to show up and Lightbind him, reducing him to a mindless puppet. Of his own free will, Turalyon would sooner fight against the tyranny of the Light than support it.

Illidan taking out Xe’ra happened under some very specific circumstances. For one thing, she’d been deactivated for who knows how long, since her heart had been sent to Azeroth to carry a message. For another, who knows how vulnerable she is while in the middle of forcefully Light-forging someone/something? This is also passing over the fact that Illidan is highly unique in terms of his power and the path he walked to get there.

Just making discourse based on observations I’ve had interacting with others on the forums and in-game for a while now.

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At some point the Horde…er The Forsaken, are going to kill Genn Greymane, he’s already prepping Tess to take his place as the Queen of Gileans.

It’s not a matter of ‘if,’ but ‘when’ at this point.


While I don’t think the execution’s going to work out as well as some think and I still dislike/oppose the idea, your observations/theories have some merit.

I think this “Light Crusade” idea (possibility of author agendas aside) sounds like a catharsis factor.

That’s all well and good, but psychology experiments suggest that catharsis - releasing strong emotions onto a “safe” or “acceptable” target to is not as cut-and-dried as popularly supposed. While cathartic actions do make people feel better at the time — hence their popular appeal — they don’t really make them less tense or angry and they don’t actually let people “vent off” emotion, especially when they stop doing them and go back to whatever it was beforehand. Using such actions regularly or frequently will more often than not make people even more prone to stress and anger fits, since it becomes a habit that gets readily associated with tense situations. In other words, if you punch a pillow to deal with stress, it won’t make you less stressed, but will make you more likely to hit something at an inopportune time when stressed.

So using “Light Crusade” as catharsis would be unlikely to help in the long run when it comes to placating fans, and more likely to make people care less for the characters and plot and make the lore even more inconsistent (why get invested in group X or group Y when they can get the villain bat further down the road to “keep the ‘war’ in 'Warcraft”?)

I mean, long as I as a worgen player get to retaliate afterwards, that’s fine. :wolf:

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We can Duel. I’m okay with that.


Nah I like trolling Genn I hope he sticks around for a while. The Stormhiem scenario where we blow up his boat and he runs around like like an angry dog. Love it.