When will the Alliance be humiliated?

Whenever I see a post that stuns me i save it.

You know what would have been great in the leadup to Siege of Orgrimmar for Alliance players? Actually spending some time with Vol’jin and getting to know him and what he wants and how he thinks and what he has in common with the Alliance and what he doesn’t.

Actually like meet up, and sit at a negotiating table and hash things out. We can learn about Troll culture and Troll grievances and he can learn about Alliance culture and Alliance grievances. Maybe he learns why the Alliance is so upset by the Horde’s use of necromancy and the Alliance learns about why Trolls are still sore about the Troll Wars.

You know, like diplomacy.

I guess that they couldn’t do that though because who do you punch and shoot in that questline?


That’s fair enough.

It would be awesome if the characters just sat down and talked about their legitimate grievances. But diplomacy would literally kill WoW.

That’s why I don’t have any faith in this Horde/Alliance peace treaty.

We all know it’s not going to last. I’m groaning now thinking how blizz is going to jam World War 5 between the factions down our throats.


It’s no peace treaty. It’s an armistice. The Alliance still has a hostile presence in Horde lands, like Durotar.

Besides, if the quest text in Oribos for the PvP weeklies is canon, we already started fighting again in Shadowlands.

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Well I’m glad I’m providing you with entertainment.

Screenshot away Finninbas.

It’s a little creepy but you do you boo.

Meh. If you werent acting so… Well condescending, there would be no need for it.

Then again mostly it is just because I thought it was hilarious.

I’m condescending?

You told me once to ‘get a dog’ instead of a man. What do you consider that? Friendly advice?

hm you must have misinterpreted me then. I mean get a dog etc dogs are great.

I dont think i have been interested in your sexual preferences.

Sorry if i came across like that in the past.

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Thank you for clarifying. I can forgive and forget.

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To bring up another embarrassment. The deity the Night Elves worshiped essentially offered her follows as a blood sacrifice to her sister. Kind of sucks.

Elune couldn’t have been all, “Hey Tyrande, go to Orgrimmar and slay them Orcs and stop their expansion into your lands.” And then proceed to send the Orc souls to the Winter Queen.

It wasn’t a blood sacrifice. They were already dead. And the Night elf souls were meant to help and live in Ardenweald, not be obliterated and used as fuel.

Seems like she chose to let them burn due to her sisters request :upside_down_face:

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The quest literally tells a different picture, it says that Elune saw helping her sister as the silver lining to what happened, not that she planned to burn the Night Elves.

It seems like bitter Alliance fans and some Horde fans twisting the knife like to parrot this talking point. I don’t get it. It is counter to the lore, and counter to a cinematic.

Why does Blizzard even bother with cinematics - it seems like Blizzard could release a 5 minute clip of a blank white screen, and some posters conjure images that are not there.

Elune says: “in the wake of tragedy.” The tragedy happened, and she did what she could to ease the pain and deliver the souls to her sister’s realm.

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Can confirm. Am absolutely bitter with Elunes development. Sorry not sorry.


No matter how you interpret it, Elune and the Night Warrior arch has been a massive disappointment.


How could they make it better from your PoV? Is it even salvagable?

For starters they could have shown us what exactly makes the Night Warrior so deadly and rare. Instead of just having Tyrande doing what she was already capable of doing…just with extra moon juice?

I don’t know how to fix the Elune fiasco though