When will the Alliance be humiliated?

And the sad part is, they arent even any good at hiding it


Yall are too tense for me.

They use dogwhistles like “I want to escape reality,” whenever people ask for diversity customizations, or the ability to use either sex’s titles. They’re trying to escape from minorities lol.


This reminds me of a south park episode…

There’s a large thread about Ion being racist towards white men. Read it. It’s a laugh.


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How are you allowed to link videos filled with expletives and the mods are not quick to remove it?

You can link any video. You have to report someone for a mod to look at it.

What was wrong with the clip?

Good thing we have an extremely dedicated posting corps here to protect us all from our dangerous no-no thoughts like “Huh that was a mean thing for that Troll to say” and “I wish these guys would stop punching me”

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It goes both ways. Like, my Nelf is very long-vigil era in her world view. Isolationist, matriarchal, doesn’t want anything to do with the rest of the world. She is one of many characters I have, and she is fun to RP but not the best for every situation for obvious reasons.

I had someone accuse me of “playing a racist fantasy because I can’t be racist irl” when my Nelf expressed her distain for non-Kaldorei. which was quite a silly thing for them to say.

I do understand why some people might get annoyed with lore characters getting a race change. Or characters being introduced in a way they interpret as a form of tokenism.

What was a bit eye opening for me though, was when the character customizations went live. And there was, not a lot but more than I would have expected, people harassing dark skinned characters at the barber. Like, customization just made sense in my mind. Not even from a point of representation but just from a point of the more options the better. But a number of people were quite upset with it and that was something I struggled to understand.

I want to say they were trolls but… idk, usually I can see the humor in trolls, even the annoying ones. But this didn’t seem funny. It was legitimate hate, it felt like. And that was really weird for me.

Did Night Elves get dark skintones? There was a massive outrage when Blood Elves got them.

yes they did.

Night elves got like a super dark purple/grey color. Very Drow.


That’s not what happened.


Renautus treated the fact that Vol’jin was a jerk to Alliance players as being “anti-Horde propaganda” filled with “coded dehumanization of the Horde”

Maybe they’d like to clarify their remarks because to be perfectly frank, they’re right. Alliance players aren’t supposed to like Vol’jin in that interaction. The things he says do make the Horde look worse to the Alliance.

So? Is the very notion that the Horde looks bad in that interaction supposed to be something fundamentally objectionable? Because that’s what the comment came off as, with a nice dash of Twitter-jargon tossed in for good measure.

Apparently at some point, writing a completely fictional scenario that makes someone look bad that makes the audience think “huh, I don’t like that guy” became something inherently problematic to such an extent that powerful words like “propaganda” and “dehumanization” are applicable?

If so, why? Is it simply because the scenario provoked negative thoughts on the part of the audience? Why do you care? And who asked to have their brains “protected” from negative thoughts?


Cry me a river, Ainhin.

Well, even if you ignore racism, the thing with trying to dehumanize the other faction is that it sometimes leads to irl fights. Alliance players were bullied because of Corpsegrinder.


Agreed, but people fight each other IRL over stupid dumb crap all the time. Heck sometimes people fight each other IRL for no reason whatsoever other than they feel like it.

When Vol’jin said mean stuff to my character I wasn’t thinking “The Horde players will pay for this!” I was thinking “Wow Vol’jin is a jerk and I don’t really want to help him now.”


I still have that pic of Ren saying “Its fine to turn a woman into a Mindslave but dont you dare murder a woman”

You take pics of me?

I don’t remember ever saying that.