Given the current state of bots, RMT and GDKPs, when do you think Blizzard is going to introduce the token to classic to get a piece of the action? (Just to be clear, I’m not saying they should. I’m just asking for a prediction.)
I just threw up thinking about how retail this sounds
no one can knows but if i have to guess, then i’m sure it will be before June2023.
Call me a conspiracy theorist, but it seems very odd that the multi-billion-dollar company Activision Blizzard seems completely powerless to deal with botting when private realms with teams small enough to account for on your two hands have been able to deal with the problem completely.
It makes one wonder if they intentionally let the problem run rampant so they can just say “Well, there’s nothing we can do, but you can get yourself on an even playing field if you buy this WoW token!”
This situation is disgusting beyond belief.
i use token from my main and it gives sub time for all WoW, including classic and TBC.
I mean if you wanna be real for a minute if you really compare Technically TBC is more paid a win than retail is at this point.
Because at the very least people have a hope and not your no life farmer your average player does have a hope to try and farm a good portion of that gold you can farm 30K fairly easily.
And what not it’s just easier to get your consumes you don’t have competition with your crafting professions because of the way nodes and mining is is on top of it.
So yeah I would say that retail is less pay to win then TBC is at this point
I would prefer pay them 2$ more per months and having them to seriously deal with goldselling than having Token in Classic.
At this point, I’d probably be on board with that, which is genuinely depressing because it’s been proven that this issue can be dealt with by even small third-party indie teams.
It should have been in from the start. But gate keepers and short sighted classic andys would rather but gold from gold sellers. Just another brain dead choice thats lead classic to where it is now.
In a perfect world, nobody should be able to buy gold. You should have to earn everything you have in the game through in game means.
That said, I’m sure they’ll add it at some point. It doesn’t make financial sense not to.
Could you actually quote someone who doesn’t want the WoW token and also thinks that botters are a good thing? Or are you just making yet another feeble attempt to strawman your way to a win in this absurd argument?
They’ve made quite sure of that, it seems.
I like botters, they keep mat prices low. Any time there’s a banwave mat prices go up.
I edited my original post to be more specific to the people Rotationn is refering to. However, botters keep prices high because they cause ridiculous levels of gold inflation. I can only assume you buy gold or obtain dirty botter gold through GDKPs if you personally look at botters as a net positive in your anecdotal experience.
Not in my experience.
And if you saw the whopping 100g i have you wouldn’t be talking about me buying it lol, I only get my gold through dailies and borrowing it from my wife.
Haha, I feel your pain. We seem to have extremely conflicting experiences in relation to bots then.
To be fair, they do keep raw materials prices low. They inflate the value of everything else though
If it was that easy for blizzard to do don’t you think they would have done it already Let’s be real here blizzard doesn’t technically want to do anything about gold selling or buying because they make money from it.
At the very least with the token in classic we all can chet not just sum
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