When will 500% damage legacy buff be applied to Legion content?! Legion launched over 5 years ago!

Regardless of the demoralizing debuff… which was like 30-45% or so i think.

The legacy buff to dmg was peanuts.
Having an easier time soloing the Legion raids in BFA before the pre-patch, meaning before the 8X damage modifier, than after the SL pre-patch with the 8X damage multiplier shows that they didn’t really set the numbers right, and no… corruption wasn’t worth 8X damage for a char.

As far as things are concerned, the buff was an equalizer for the squish and not a legacy buff as usual.

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The primary bosses are fine, but freaking Fallen Avatar on Mythic is insanely stupid. They should either nerf the ground shatter, or else buff player damage against him in 2nd phase

I doubt they’re going to bother updating/fixing anything related to the Legacy buff.

Literally, when transmog runs of the older raids was brought up to Ion, he just goes “gear will solve that. NEXT QUESTION”

Part of it is that we have only doubled in damage over the course of SL, instead of gone up by a factor of 8-10 in BFA.

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Yes, they totally should nerf it more so all players get a chance, Antorus has some fiiiiiiine mogs, fiiiine mogs

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And when was the last time you actually tried to solo these raids in Shadowlands? I just went to ToS on my 270ish hunter for the heck of it, and was doing ~200k dps on bosses…which fell over in a matter of seconds. The only ones that gave me trouble were Avatar (because I scuffed up moving the maiden with my pet) and KJ (because I underestimated how extreme the knockbacks were).

I had been soloing up through mythic Avatar on my ~255 warrior for a while now. It’s obviously slower with less gear (and without having lust for every fight) but it’s not exactly difficult. Whereas I never even tried these on anything other than a tank in BfA because the damage your characters took from their abilities was much higher.

You’re just not doing it right. If you push him to P2 with maiden up he uses her remaining health to heal. He pushes when his energy hits 100, or when he hits 20%. Use Maiden to soak the green beam preventing his energy gain, and make sure his health is close to 20% when you kill Maiden. If you allow him to get 100 energy while she is still alive, he will go into P2 with full health and you will wipe. If you tunnel damage into him and get him to 20% while she is still full, he will go into P2 with high health and you will wipe.

If you soak the beams and manage their health correctly, he will enter P2 with only 20% health and you can burst him down easily.

Mobility isn’t necessary. I solo M KJ on a paladin regularly. The dark phase isn’t luck at all. The orbs spawn in a fixed order and you simply use them to knock you to the next orb, just like you do in the other phases.

Not necessarily. You could probably get away with just letting him phase asap and popping everything once you hit the ground if you’re geared enough.

But otherwise, yeah. There’s no rush in p1, so you can just take your time and dps them both down relatively evenly until the maiden is low enough to finish off.

Man this discussion will be really fun when dragonlands hits, people will try to solo mythic BFA raids will be funny af. F in the chat for the poor souls that will try to solo G’hunn, Jaina, N’zoth…

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I don’t think so, but if you can do it that’s fine. But the person I was responding to specifically says P2 needs a nerf, which leads me to believe he has too much health for them to finish before wiping.

I usually just focus him to about 40-50%, then switch to her and let my cleave work him closer to 20%. Micromanage their health as she gets close to death and then you have a short time before the phase while the green beam pushes him up to 100.

You can solo at least normal of most BfA raid bosses (except for Treasure in BoD, he will reset if there’s only one person). I’ve been meaning to check if Nyalotha normal is soloable with current gear.

At the start of the expac 3k ST was about usual in Castle Nathria, now it’s 12k ST, so 4 times over the course of the expac, thanks to legos and tier.

I don’t have trouble soloing anything in Antorus on mythic for a long time.

The issue is that there is basically no legacy buff active, what they put in was to offset the level/stat squish.

Over the course of this expac we have gotten 4 times as strong, it’s normal to solo it now easily.
But it doesn’t mean the legacy buff is proper.

If we didn’t have any squish, and we just level’d, we’d have had about the same power now as if they never added the legacy buff.

Tl; DR Legacy buff is a wash.

That’s very early, like heroic CN week iirc. Geared mythic CN damage was closer to 6k, with the absolute top end being able to pull 8k ST.

Yeah, that was like heroic i think, i didn’t raid mythic much, guild ended up dead due to lack of ppl showing up(again…) about at Devourer whatever he was called.

Were not for scaling and Blizzard controlling player power in such a shady way, we would’ve been facerolling it by now.

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Legacy scaling is probably the only reason that completing legion mythic raids solo are possible currently.

Mythic solo was possible at the end of BFA, without the legacy buff, which just offset the scaling during the pre-patch.

There is a legacy buff active. Both in increased damage dealt and reduced damage taken. The latter of which is arguably more important as you can simply ignore mechanics that would have killed you at the end of BfA if you weren’t playing carefully. The buff may be lower than you like, but there’s no point in lying about it.

He’s not wrong. People are doing x3 the damage they did in 9.0. It will be even more than that in 9.2.5/season 4.