When will 500% damage legacy buff be applied to Legion content?! Legion launched over 5 years ago!

All the orbs knock you directly away from the orb. It can knock you NW, if you are NW of the orb.

outside of kil jaeden, avatar is also a b

he destroys all the platform 10 seconds in

kite the maiden in P1 into the green beam on the ground.
He goes to P2 with 20% HP.

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so wait all i had to do was that and hed be already dead with a few hits. my gosh

green beam gives him energy, he phases at either 100 energy or 20% HP (which ever happens 1st). When he phases, he eats the maiden’s HP (if she’s full HP, he will full heal). So ideally, you kill the maiden at about the same time you bring avatar to 20%.

so i have to kill maiden while shes in the green and before he eats her? what if shes 50%

they need to nerf this too

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I forget if he gains her HP % or double that on mythic, so he’d either gain 50% or 100% HP. It really isn’t hard, as none of the other mechanics do anywhere near enough damage to kill you, so you can safely ignore them.

When the maiden soaks the beam, she also gains energy, and does a shield at 100 energy. break this shield to do 25% of her HP.

it doesnt solve the fact that the meteors in phase 2 destroy half the arena lol

you just hold all your cooldowns and kill him. when I did this earlier, none of the meteors landed, nor had the rupture realities cast even started.

yes but unfortunately for me, i have to blow all my CDs on maiden. i dont have half the gear you do

There is no DPS check in P1. It can take as long as you need it to.

doesnt he eat her himself

If you pull her into the beam, he doesn’t gain energy. So you just keep the maiden in the green beam, while cleaving her and the boss. If you do it right, she dies and he hits 20% long before he gets close to hitting 100 energy.

ill have to put this to the test, DK has a weak cleave talent that does negligible damage without the buffs

ie my CDs that i have to conserve for phase 2

The dmg buff is only 8X and it barely covered the scaling we had for the pre-patch to SL.


I was talking about non-Dh classes or mages that have low mobility for example.

So it was purposely made worse compared to the WoD legacy buff?


Get ~260ish ilvl and use BL and all CD’s at 40%, that way you can burst him down before the final phase… at least that’s what i do on my ret pally.

They fudged the scaling badly… idk if it was on purpose or they simply didn’t care enough.
But i had more dmg at the end of BFA against Legion bosses, than 10 lvls later and 100+ ilvls more.

So the buff barely affected anything…

Now any extra dmg we do is due to having even more ilvls to cover for it.
And as far as i saw from the interviews, they don’t have any plans to increase de Xdamage modifier.

He might be talking about the demoralized debuff on wod raids, which wasn’t added to make legacy soloing easier. highmaul/BRF got it added to make farming up your legendary ring easier during HFC, and HFC got it in legion pre-patch as a nerf to the content to offset the nerfs to HFC gear and the ring iirc.

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Heck no. I’d be fine with the LFR for a weekly rotation, but imagine the insanity of people running EVERY freaking raid weekly along with Blizz trying to keep all of that gear balanced.