When will 500% damage legacy buff be applied to Legion content?! Legion launched over 5 years ago!

And we no longer have corruption. Damage doubled over the course of just Ny’alotha. Player damage scales faster than player HP, we had ~20k HP in BFA pre-patch at 110, and had over 500k HP when fully geared in BFA S4.

The legacy buff that is active, just offset the number crunch we went through.
What part of that don’t you get?

Dmg taken is lower due to the level difference.

How am i lying about it?

Corruption wasn’t 8X damage increase, now was it?

It was a pretty nutty damage increase.

Mythic varimathras pre-patch numbers were about 6k DPS.

In Ny’alotha gear, with full corruption, players were pulling 150k. that is a 25x damage increase.

It’s not solely corruption, it’s the excessive damage scaling over the course of BFA that allowed this to be possible. Same thing happened in Legion, as you could solo WoD raids in M Antorus gear, but it got harder in BFA. until EP or Antorus.

its doable other than mechanic fights already… but then again so is lich king… a rogue cant solo complete ICC… one boss you have to heal to defeat… and no bandages dont work lol. same as trial of valor raid. if you dont have good pet management your not soloing it.

The part where people were bursting 200k dps on bosses with billions of hp at the end of BfA, and you can walk into these raids and burst 200k dps on bosses with millions of hp now. But keep grinding that axe. It’s adorable.

Can you not still use a bandage gun on that fight? I remember doing it on my warrior. It took forever, but I eventually got there. Just had to make sure the boss wasn’t taking any damage at the time you used it.

You can currently do it on every class with crucible of flame (BFA azerite essence). you can also just skip it.

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Right. I thought about that essence right after I posted that.

If i can solo a raid without issues before the pre-patch, but i can’t after the pre-patch WITH added legacy scaling, what does it mean?
I’m talking about the same lvl, with the same gear.
The Corruption that was de-activated doesn’t equal 8X damage decrease.

Bosses had millions of HP before the pre-patch, not billions.
Proof, if you look on the right, it shows 20 million hp on Aggramar:

and he currently has ~7.5M. With legacy scaling, you’re bursting for over 100k DPS. (when I did it yesterday, my adjusted burst was over 150k), and most of the bosses fell over in under 90 seconds.

What is it with you guys and saying for how much you burst now?
Is it doable now? It has been for a long time.

Was the added legacy scaling enough to offset the number/level crunch we went through with the pre-patch?
No it wasn’t.

So tell me. Same gear, same level.
Before pre-patch.
If i do X dps and i get the boss down in 2 minutes.

Versus pre-patch is live.
I do Y dps, and i get the boss down in 2 minutes, but LEGACY scaling increased my damage by 8X.

What does it mean?
It means the legacy scaling added was a WASH.

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Maybe with the level cap increase to 70 in Dragonflight will help. Just depends if the mobs stay capped at 50 or around there then maybe with that and the higher gear it won’t be an issue.

If DF follows SL’s expansion power curve, we should be able to comfortably hit the numbers checks in BFA mythic content in 10.2 or 10.3. Some of the bosses will need mechanics changes before they are soloable, but that will likely be a 10.1 or a 10.1.5 change.

Tried BFA LFR yet?
It’s way harder than doing Legion LFR in BFA.

In BFA i could solo mythic Antorus in the last patch (not pre-patch), but i can’t even solo all of LFR BFA now… never mind normal, heroic or mythic.

The scaling is crap. :smiley:

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Prove it.

A 2 minute kill. Find me a solo video (that wasn’t sped up) where the person was able to burst KJ down from 80% (or whatever he lands at) to dead before he gets the Veil cast off.

I’m not particularly interested in your whining over the minutia of the current legacy buff vs what you think it should be, when the fact is that soloing these is infinitely easier now than it was at this point last expansion. And it will only continue to get easier until/unless they do another stat squish. Get over it.

Yes. That’s the lower power curve of the expansion, not 1 specific system. In SL pre-patch, at level 50, you were pulling ~4k DPS on a geared ny’alotha character. now, you’re pulling 12k. so you are only worth 3 players in a BFA LFR, no the 10 that it’s scaled for.

We started doing ~6k when geared, and are now doing 12-15k.

By this point in 8.3, we had gone from doing 10k, to over 100k. If SL had the BFA curve, we would be doing 40-50k in SL right now.

Lmao the argument you make is nonsense, do you hear yourself?
You’re 1 expansion late and is able to do more then you did last expansion?

That’s not how comparisons work, you compare the dmg you did before the pre-patch to the one you did after the pre-patch went live. Same char, same gear.

No crap you can solo it better now with more gear.

The power curve this expansion is lower than BFA yes, but not that much of a difference.
As between what you could solo last expansion → mythic, versus now barely LFR.

That’s too much of a difference and the difference between how hard a boss is on LFR versus Mythic is a bigger one.

P.S. The point is that we won’t be able to do last expacs mythic raids solo at this point, when we can barely do LFR.

They “nerfed” us too much in that sense.

Do you think it feels good to go from soloing mythic to not even managing LFR between expansions?

LFR Maut for example is a doozy… that’s the 2nd boss only, on LFR ffs. I was around 265ilvl when i last solo’d him.

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They should definitely be soloable since they’ve been locking story pieces in there.

Wait, wut? I’ve soloed M trial of Valor on a Paladin. Which pet management do you think I used?

it’s an over 10x power curve vs a 2-3x power curve. That’s a massive gap.