When will 500% damage legacy buff be applied to Legion content?! Legion launched over 5 years ago!

I say remake the whole dang thing. Apply this to every raid instance in the game:

All raids are now max level, buff them all up once per expansion in the X.0 patch.

Story mode:
-Scales for 1-40 players, grants 10,000% main stat buff.
-Has a queue, but starts groups as needed and backfills. If it doesn’t find you a group in 1 minute, it starts you a new group and starts the run. No role check
-Uses new normal encounter mechanics, but encounters are trivialized with stat buff.
-No loot is dropped during the run, but at the end you get a large cache of treasure once per week, and a minor cache of treasure for further runs that only have a very small chance to grant an item.
-Loot cache includes by default the lowest difficulty boss loot table, and a large amount of the trash mob loot from that associated raid. Legacy raids over 5 years old also include the higher difficulty loot tables in the cache.
-Rule set can also be applied to private groups

Normal mode:
-Tuned to play a bit like LFR, but faster and all one unit. Shave about half the health out compared to current LFR
-Keep the mechanics damage moderate, nerf the required tank swaps to be noticeable as to make players aware of them, but not absolutely required.
-Scale for 5-40 players and start instances as soon as 1 heal, 1 tank, and 3 DPS are ready.
-Loot follows new story mode mechanics, large cache at the end once per week, minor cache for further runs.
-Rule set can also be applied to private groups

Same as current normal, but applied to all raids from all eras.

Same as current heroic, but applied to all raids from all eras.

10 player fixed raid size, timed, item normalized, leaderboards, current mythic tuning, applied to every raid.

Mythic KJ is pretty easy.

  • face your back towards the next orb. That way when you get blasted back you’ll already be there.

  • In the darkness part, it’s just a matter of luck. As a DH you have more than enough mobility to find Illidan quick and be able to see again.

emphasis on “if” :melting_face:
But I do agree, the legacy buff should be applied to the game soon.

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we have been able to solo legion m raids for ages now. hell, i farmed nighthold ages ago (like in ba) solo for the mounts and transmogs. now im doing antorus, again for the mount on toons ranging from max to barely lev 60.

It Already is

no it isnt. all we have is our gear. they have not added any legacy debuffs to legion

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You have about a 9x damage multiplier in legion content. The damage buff you get is multiplicative, so if you do no damage to begin with you won’t see the benefit.

its organic multiplier because of our gear. they haven’t added any debuffs at all to legion. if they had added a debuff, mythic KJ wouldnt still be a b to solo for most classes/players that arent DHs

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I did M KJ on a class that wasn’t DH earlier tonight, and it was a pretty free 1shot.

yea sure, one shot. just discount the immune he does, the black phase, the orbs and everything else

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as in 1 pull.

I1 takes a long time, but is pretty easy once you know the trick.

again, once you know the trick it’s easy.

Don’t really see much else given how fast he died.

also there is a bunch of damage ticks you get, if you arent a class that has self healing you’re also f’d

I think I dropped below 95% HP once.

they nerfed aggramars knockback but not the orbs. they need to remove most of the phases for KJ

its so bad, tomb groups i make fall apart after avatar

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The knockbacks were easy. You just have to get knocked towards the next one.

so tell me oh so great one whats your trick for the black phase. find illidan right? apparently they broke the thing when they did the nerfs

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the orbs spawn in the black phase spawn in fixed locations, it’s the same every pull.

which spot of the arena does the orb drop?

SE, SW, break, NW, NE, break, repeat

does the first orb SE knock you to NW