When will 500% damage legacy buff be applied to Legion content?! Legion launched over 5 years ago!

I agree, a fresh 60 should be enough to clear a 2 expansion old raid.

I was hopeful to do bfa raids soon…

Going off the current way Blizzard are NOT implementing a true legacy DPS buff - you won’t be able to solo BFA mythic raids until 2024.

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The bosses in Mythic Antorus have way too much HP and the damage output is actually really bad - some fights are pushing 10 minutes - for a raid that is more than half a decade old, I agree - can we increase the damage multiplier here?

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No. There isn’t.

Since this thread is old is the buff now active?

a 500% damage buff would actually be lower than the current damage buff.

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I pull 250k in Legion raids. I’m pretty sure that’s more than +500% dmg.

So, we can easily solo Legion Mythic raids now?

I am currently having 0 trouble with mythic antorus.

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You can easily push over NH and ToS m, Antorus is still a pain in the butt if you count Eonar. Very doable.

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eonar isn’t even that bad if you play a fast class

True, but it’s the only trouble spot I can really think of.

only issue I ran into was phasing Imonar before my kick CD was up.

Try KJ, he’s extremely hard to solo if not impossible.

just did. Easy 1shot if you know what you’re doing.

They obviously want you to group, but that’s kind of pointless for certain BfA raids that are damn near impossible to make groups for.


BFA raid content is not intended to be soloable yet, that’s a next expansion thing.

Mythic KJ? I doubt you killed him.


I know… I wouldn’t mind running it in groups if you could usually make groups for it.

Like I try to make groups for Ny’alotha Heroic and 80+% of the time I end up delisting out of failure to put a group together. That’s after waiting for over half an hour during peak hours.

If it is so difficult to make groups for content that they want you to group for, then they need to make it easier to complete with fewer party members.

try again. Check my profile if you must.