When will 500% damage legacy buff be applied to Legion content?! Legion launched over 5 years ago!

Next expansion and level 61, thats exactly the point when legacy buffs begin for old content.

There have been some changes to legion content already making it easier to solo, have you thought of making a 4 man group to go clear it - one of each armor type?

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Idk what you’re doing OP, but M NH was a breeze for me to do pre 9.1.5 nerfs (except Gul’dan) I could even solo normal NH at level 50 for Balance of Power

In the prepatch, but only for those in mythic raid gear is my guess how it will work out if that’s what he’s saying.

However, they will appropriately tune legacy content so it can be done by players as they always have when they get serious about salvaging the game. About the same time they fix PvP gearing so millions of players will come back for these things. When they stop blaming players for the failure of the game.

This is what they said they did. However, it isn’t clear they did. And in any case, before they told us about these supposed changes, they had already made it harder.

sad but true. its not even good to take a few hours to twink 50 to say 55. you have dropped mythic HFC in wod. gratz hero, here is your 50-60 ilevel reward. and there you are getting 100 to 110 chest to operate forge in bastion later.

they could have found a more refined way to nerf raw gold farming here.

as with my illidan experiment I hit a wall. the gear even with dungeon leveling is not SL ready.

by that I mean at level 51 and SL normal dungeon unlock…your ilevel will be too low to use it off lfd. You aren’t tall enough to get on that ride lol.

she is my poor new server char. A pseudo NPE run. Only bene I had was mail her enchanted looms. Rest…she earns everything. I can’t say run 9 callings on alts to fork out the gold to AH power level the ilevel. and…I didn’t pay for the loom 60 upgrade. that cost was hahahahaha worthy really.

so…not much gold to buy crafted items or boe even the lfd entry ilevel requirement. that is how good dungeon gear is 1(10) to 49 lol.

But pigs do fly in wow

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Actually no thats not how it worked pre SL ,any mob 11 levels below you came under the “legacy kill” . I m pretty sure you can find a few posts on forums from legion that are way older and i remember it because a post suggested why they cant kill previous expansion and there was a post from mvp which said that legacy gets activated after you are 2 expansion away and because there were 10 lvls thats why they tuned it to 11 above . Now you can still kill previous expansion on some classes but upto like heroic and again only a few burst classes ,Now all of this dungfest is because of the squish and yes there have been changes to make it solo and yes it is absolutely doable with a 4 person group but its still isnt what every single person in wow is conditioned to "legacy " for hence all of these people getting frustrated and dumping it here to get some sort of comfort which is absolutely fine :slight_smile:

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I m guessing max heroic not mythic lvl coz not many people reach that and yes they have to do something because transmoggers are a very vast group IMO which includes me too btw who like to get mythic mogs after it doesnt require a group to get them . So that i can go whenever i want w/o waiting for other people IKIK i just said vast group and now i m saying its hard to find people but its actually true most people doesnt like to do legacy stuff in groups so that loot dont get spreaded out coz its legacy one shot .

I get called Trash on here by randoms and it is undeserving, but honestly if you can’t solo Mythic Antorus you’re doing something wrong. The only one that MAY give you trouble is Eonar

I don’t judge you. :kissing_heart:

Do it Blizzard!

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Yeah, he is a pro time gater! Then after the expansion it will be broken again after some new item level squish.


This would be awesome.

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Colour me shocked - a warlock with pets can solo things easily.

None of my alts can get past the Antoran hounds (boss 2) in Mythic AtBT all the while they do ~20k dps.

It’s been over 5 years since Legion launched in 2016 (2022 is only 4 weeks away) are you truly advocating for this content to still not be solo-able by fresh Level 60’s?


I went to solo Nighthold and I could do everything but Gul’dan. Someone was nice to come help me with the DPS but I got stuck at the end.

Why people defend gatekeeping this content is nuts to me.


Transmog hunt in groups. I don’t see the issue

M NH was on my druid, N NH at level 50 was on a paladin

I definitely remember soloing BRF/HFC easily in BFA. So, nah. I’m gonna hold them to the past pattern they have shown


As a 239 frost DK I’m able to solo most of heroic Dazar’-alor so I’m not sure why people are struggling with legion content

It’s almost like classes have different abilities and survivability.


So, if I understand this - you want players to go and get full heroic gear, so they can complete almost 6 year old raids solo?
