When will 500% damage legacy buff be applied to Legion content?! Legion launched over 5 years ago!

Do you understand the difference between:

  1. Squash the players and content at same rate + add 8X legacy buff = damage is increased by 8X on content
  2. Squash the players and content but players get squashed more + add 8X legacy buff = damage is even lower then before

Do you? Because it seems you don’t understand that difference.

You not being able to understand above 2nd grade is not my fault. Go and get an education and come back when you understand the issue at hand.

The issue in the thread is people asking for a bigger buff to solo Legion content. I’ve been soloing Legion content all expansion and don’t see a problem. So, please, explain what is the current problem with Legion content. Is there any of it that isn’t soloable right now?

The issue is that the legacy buff only covered the squash, barely did.
Ofc you’ll be able to solo 2 expansions old raids with the gear we have now.

That doesn’t mean that the scaling isn’t off, and the buff should be bigger than it is.
As it stands if there was no squash or legacy buff, we’d be more powerful now in relation to old content.

Tl;DR It’s as if the legacy buff doesn’t even exist, we just naturally level’d and gotten more powerful.

As an example:
If someone were to cut your pay on Monday and then say they’ll increase it on Monday as well, but your salary is barely the one it was. Would you be okay with that? Because that’s what happened.

2 years later you’ve had X% increases and you make more and can afford more now.
But the same increases you’d have had without the pay cut and the X8 multiplier, you’d have ended up making more at this point in time.

Now imagine for that old crap, if they had scaled properly and then added the 8X multiplier, right now you’d do 8X more damage to Legion raids, that’s a proper legacy buff.

This is the same thing.

Also this is in relation to BFA as well, since they scaled everything poorly, we’re less powerful for that content as well.

They are bad faith arguing.

Then what is the problem? The whole point of the legacy buff when it was introduced was to make older content easier to solo. Legion content is easy to solo. Mission accomplished.

None of your pay scale, 18 month old pre-patch, BfA nonsense is relevant because, in the practical application, the legacy content is soloable. Stop trying to overcomplicate a simple situation. They want 2 expansion old content to be soloable. It is. Mission accomplished. Moving on.

If we didn’t have a squish and a legacy buff and we just level’d, we’d be at this point in time with even more power over Legion content…

We had 1 expansion old content soloable, 1 expansion old content, not 2 expansions old content.

Getting downgraded to be able to solo 2 expacs old content instead of 1 may be fine with you, but it clearly isn’t fine for me or lots of others.

Enjoy your pay cut.

That’s not necessarily true. The legacy buff was added in the first place because the normal leveling and gearing wasn’t necessarily making old content obsolete and easily soloable.

It is not a downgrade. It’s all that was ever promised with regard to legacy content. They wanted the previous expansion left alone so that if people wanted to group for it they could get a small taste of the original experience without the full challenge of doing it at original level, and for people that enjoyed the difficulty of solo’ing content in more than a few seconds could have a place to do that. Because it wasn’t adjusted or deliberately scaled there have been wide margins of difficulty on content from the previous expansion. In BfA it was easier than it is in SL, and that is fine because it’s, again, outside the purview of legacy content.

It’s not a pay cut. The best way your analogy works is, you were making a fair rate and then there was a restructure in the company and they failed to apply your bonuses correctly. They got their stuff sorted out and have since adjusted everyone’s pay back to the fair rate.

From a strictly pragmatic point, in the here and now, not 18 months ago, Legion content should be soloable. It is, so everything is fine. It was never going to be more soloable if this was the target all along.

Using “bonuses” which is legacy content buff.

You’re supposed to do older content faster due to it, it wasn’t supposed to bring you to the same power you had before the “restructuring”.

Look, if you’re content having the legacy buff at this power, it’s fine, i really don’t care what you’re content with, it’s your business.
But you cant’ expect others to feel fine with having the same power after the legacy buff was applied. The legacy buff was supposed to make us stronger in older content, not having it bring us up to speed with how powerful we already were after a failed squash.

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You 2 bickering accounts for nearly 1/4th of the posts in this thread.

Wanna have a slice of the pie too?

Keep replying.

Easy there internet tough kid.

How’d you know i was a tough kid? You talked to your dad?

And it’s your business if you want to shout into the wind about something that is 100% a non-issue.

But I can expect people to be reasonable and rational, and if they choose not to be in a public forum, then I will often try to help them find their way to a better place.

We should be able to solo Legion content. We can. Yay, all is well.

You are a non-issue, get lost.

2 years later than usual, go get help, you need it if you think it’s fine to move power levels 2 years.

Here is a comment about the design intent from Watcher in 2014, when the legacy buff was introduced to account for the first stat squish,

"There is no specific intent or plan for when and whether anything becomes soloable. That’s up to you.

We design the content to be appropriately difficult for the original audience at the appropriate level (whether that’s a few players in the outdoor world, a dungeon group with a dedicated tank and healer, a full raid group, etc.). Over time, as player power grows through access to higher levels, more powerful gear, new talents, and so forth, content that used to require a group becomes soloable, organically. Some classes (tanks, those with better self-healing, those with pets) will be able to do it sooner than others, but everyone will get there eventually. It might take an extra tier, or even an extra expansion, but that’s just the nature of how the power curve works. And if you can’t solo something but are interested in a shot at a transmog item, achievement, or rare mount, you can always bring a friend or two.

We don’t nerf old content specifically to make it soloable - we occasionally make quality-of-life changes when a mechanic (like Thorim’s cleanup that reset the fight if the arena was unoccupied) is artificially preventing players who have the raw power to solo an encounter from doing so. But we don’t go back and specifically make old content numerically easier."

It is intended to work this way, and has since it was introduced almost 8 years ago. If you don’t think it’s fine it’s a you problem.

Except they failed this time when they made stuff that was soloable, be unsoloable at that same level.

You’re de basic definition of a Blizzard lap-dog, when the company nerfs your whole department’s salary, you just say it’s fine 2 years later when you get to the same pay.

Keep barking, dog.

There was a game shattering level squish 18 months ago, and things changed. They may have failed to balance everything perfectly in the aftermath. Now all of the content that should be soloable is soloable. Are you seriously hanging on to an 18 month old grievance that doesn’t matter anymore here in the present?

Maybe just before 10.0 happens.

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Honestly, here I am still at level 50, basically living in the SL pre-patch until 10.0 unlocks Shadowlands for me and I’m still capable of doing the same Legion stuff I was doing before…regardless of all the changes brought by the squish, the rescaling, and the legacy buff that was added, in terms of what I was able to solo in Legion nothing really changed. I didn’t feel any stronger, but I also didn’t really feel any weaker aside from the removal of corruption, which I didn’t really min/max too much anyway.

But for what it’s worth, I wasn’t really stomping most Legion content anyway. I couldn’t do pretty much anything on mythic, but I could do up to heroic for all the raids up to Tomb! Antorus I didn’t mess around with too much at either 120 or 50 since I was usually running that with my guild. And yeah, after the level squish I could still do all that stuff just fine. Didn’t really notice much of a difference other than trash was a lot easier to aggro lol

I tried to solo Goroth Mythic Tomb and couldnt on a 70 Evoker, but… when I entered the raid there was a giant red X on the screen and “Work In Progress” note. I’m guessing that was for the scaling but IDK.

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