When will 500% damage legacy buff be applied to Legion content?! Legion launched over 5 years ago!

A 20 person boss is doable by a single person now. That’s like, below ground. It is not elite content. You have to stand in the correct corner of the room a bunch of times through the fight. Do you actually believe that is “elite”? It was hard when they had to manage that for 20 people while still soaking every armageddon circle and managing dps/healing at a high level. None of that matters anymore. You can tunnel vision the orbs and win the fight.

Indeed. How dare he waste his time giving you tips to try and solve your issues. :roll_eyes:

If you’re having this much trouble with it, just invite like…one other person (whose class doesn’t share loot with you) and faceroll it.

lol, no one ever joins in progress tomb groups, let alone at KJ. i had once a group up for an hour and no one joined

I’m not comparing legacy with non-legacy, i’m comparing non-legacy with non-legacy.
It’s a direct comparison.

Dude, get it through your thick skull, when in BFA, you could solo mythic Antorus before the pre-patch, then after the pre-patch you couldn’t, even with the bloody 8X damage modifier.

Legion’s had a legacy buff applied ever since the SL prepatch. I noticed it at level 50. It’s not hard to see abilities doing more damage against Legion mobs compared to BfA mobs.

That being said, since it came at the same time as the level squish, it’s less clear how effective it actually ended up being since the level gap shrunk which affected survivability, along with a lot of stuff not really being scaled 1:1. I’m not sure if these things were ever addressed, but based on how I don’t really hear folks complaining about it too much anymore, I’m assuming that improving gear levels have basically overcome most of them anyway.

You may think so, but there is zero provision made for solo’ing non-legacy content. If you can, you can; if you can’t you can’t. It has nothing to do with anything, especially in a thread about a legacy buff in Legion. It is a non sequitur.

If your chr isn’t in the i240 range, you’re not playing it.

I have alts that do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING but WQs, and have ZERO legendaries… and they’re i236. No LFR, no M+, NOTHING but herb-farmers.

This isn’t a valid argument.

In a strange way, it still is.

You can farm with a 150-180 character WoD-dungeons and raids but starting with Legion, an expansion almost five years old, one still struggles to do content two expansions ago? Shouldn’t it be Battle for Azeroth-raids by now?

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No, the previous expansion has never been considered ‘legacy’. BfA will be legacy when Dragonflight launches.

And Legion is later than WoD, so it will have higher health pools and damage. If 150-180 isn’t high enough, then go a couple days of world quests and get closer to 240 and have no problem. If ilvl is the issue it’s a player problem with a player solution.

Yeah, like every elite, including legacy raid bosses. It was easy to notice this even in world quests where for example Adhara White who used to fall over before the end of my wings took two and a half minutes to kill.

Don’t overlook that the transition from 8.3 to 9.0 also meant the removal of corruption! Granted that’s not going to be entirely at fault for things getting ‘harder’ since the scaling was still off, but corruption did have a pretty significant impact at the time.

It’s about power in relation to past content.
And you started asking about it cause you didn’t understand squat.
So shut up about this topic if you’re not interested and stop spamming me about it.

And some still say that the scaling was done properly, idk what game they’re playing when there are some clear discrepancies.

The thread title is: When will 500% legacy buff be applied to Legion content?! Legion launched over 5 years ago!"

Superimposing your weird fixation on the pre-patch squish issues from SL launch doesn’t mean it has anything to do with the actual topic.

Not being interested in your irrelevant BfA non sequiturs doesn’t mean I’m not interested in the actual topic, which is Legion and the legacy buff.

I’m responding to your comments in an open discussion forum. If you don’t want a response then don’t post. Alternatively, you could just make sense. I don’t waste a great deal of forum space agreeing with people who are being rational. I generally restrict my posts to correcting inaccuracies and misrepresentations. It’s not my fault your posts are such fertile ground for those.

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You have 0 capacity for analysis, it’s exactly about the pre-patch squish, since we were squished too much, the legacy buff didn’t even put us on equal footing.

You’re ignorant, you didn’t even know the legacy buff was in place in the pre-patch at lvl 50.

It has nothing to do with a pre-patch from October 2020. The only thing relevant is if Legion content is soloable right now. It is. /thread

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Ahaha backing out of the issue.
No crap legion content is soloable now, it was soloable in BFA as well in the last main patch.

Gratz on being able to solo content from 2 expacs ago, when last expac you could do content from 1 expac prior.

Grow a backbone.

Just trying to refocus you on the actual issue. If you’re really upset about pre-patch issues from a year and a half ago, perhaps you should start a thread about them.

Meanwhile, here in reality, I’m one of several people trying to help the people complaining that it isn’t easy enough to solo right now…

Um…what? How does this relate to anything?

Point of fact is they took your money for Shadowlands and they’re taking your sub money now and fronting it to Dragonflight content, which they will obligate you to pay for again. They are only working on Dragons to produce a minimum viable product as quickly as possible – just like they did the last two expansions.

Dragons should have been more than a logo and cinematic over a year ago, but the fact that all we got were sad Mspaint maps tells the tale of where Blizzard, the business, sits.

They have the financial backing to not be perpetually behind the eight ball, just trying to pump short term profits but lol late stage capitalism is all about exploiting vulnerable populations for regular money. Dopamine dumps and gambling weekly vaults is more a casino than traditional video game – come back when the game actually has a story to tell… But this ain’t it.

Edit: Phew! Ate breakfast and now I feel totally different about this. Dragonflight will be great! But if you don’t like the game, just quit. Make some friends and maybe you can clear the old content easier – the game is always more fun with friends.

The actual issue is the scaling that occurred and the legacy buff wasn’t enough to overcome it.

It would be easier to solo it if they actually implemented an actual legacy debuff, but no, you’re one of the ones saying it was implemented properly, when you don’t even know what you’re talking about.

You’re just a Blizz apologist at this point, or really dense and ignorant.
Ignorant from the start to the end i see.

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So wait, the legacy buff isn’t enough to solo Legion raids…that we are solo’ing right now?

Earlier you were sarcastically congratulating me “on being able to solo content from 2 expacs ago”, and now you’re looking for it to be easier to solo?

Stop arguing out of both sides of your mouth and clearly articulate the problem with Legion content today. Is it easy to solo or not? Does it need to be easier or not and why? Please don’t muddy your answers with a bunch of irrelevancies about BfA or pre-patches from 18 months ago.