When will 500% damage legacy buff be applied to Legion content?! Legion launched over 5 years ago!

The Legacy buff needs to be applied to Legion AND BFA stuff. Since BFA was two expansions ago when Dragonflight comes out.


I did this earlier this morning and only just barely got Goroth down. I attempted to do the inquisition but couldn’t burst anything down in time for them to despawn.

“Just wait until 70” crowd in shambles because this instance is 5 years old. There’s absolutely no reason why it should be so difficult now. Just let people farm transmogs Blizz, oh my god.


Absolutely this, don’t need to wait another 2-5 years for BFA to finally get adjusted also. Fix them both now and stop making excuses Blizzard.


My level 60 bear druid destroyed those bosses, what are you having issues with? Im only using the event gear and some leveling gear

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Welp. You’re the outlier and not the norm then. Good job. ANYWAYS they need to apply the legacy buff to everything Legion and BFA.


This issue is fascinating. I remember reading that in Legion we were waaaay stronger than we knew.

Our scaling was bonkers in that expansion. We really were hitting like demi-gods.

Now years later we still can’t go back and easily solo some of that content.


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I also only have the event gear. My evoker couldn’t put out enough damage in Mythic inquisition to kill the demon when you drop into the pit after the debuff, bosses would just despawn. Goroth was challenging because Evokers are incredibly squishy but it was doable.

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I new the level scaling and the squishes were always a bad idea, because Blizzard can’t even do that right. Now look at all it…

They are not willing to put in the work to do that.

No thanks. Most of the raids aren’t good enough to stay relevant

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The legacy buff should be applied to all old raids and dungeons as soon as any given expansion is over, holding it off for so many years is pointless and only serves to annoy the player base.

Don’t give me this preserving the integrity of the content BS because because the integrity of any given tier is over as soon as the next tier hits.

Bliz is going to run a classic version of every expansion. They dont want players running the old raids. Get it through your heads.

There’s really no point in a “classic” cataclysm or anything past that as the world was no longer “classic” after that.

But we’ll see.

There is one point: $$$