When will 500% damage legacy buff be applied to Legion content?! Legion launched over 5 years ago!

The only reason why it feels like you did less damage in this particular one instead of it simply compensating for the squish, is that you also lost the absurd amount of BFA borrowed power. In BFA S4, you were doing 150k damage to a boss with 21M HP, now you are doing 150k DPS to a boss with 7.5M HP. So while your total damage number has stayed the same, the time to kill has gone down.

Idk how you can be this dense, comparing power you had last expac, with power you have now, to kill the same bloody boss.

Are you trolling at this point?

In SL S1, you were doing about 1/2 the damage you do now. So answer me this: does it take longer to kill a 21M HP target doing 150k DPS, or a 7.5M HP target doing 75k DPS?

The scaling aura in Legion was active at level 50 from what I can remember, as I know that I solo’d normal NH on a level 50 paladin in SL.

Use a calculator and stop asking irrelevant questions.

The scaling aura was active from the pre-patch not before.
Pre-patch had SQUISH + scaling aura.

Before the pre-patch 2 min to kill a boss
After the pre-patch 2 minutes to kill the same boss, but you also had 8X more damage due to the legacy buff.

THE LEGACY BUFF WAS A WASH. Do you bloody get that? It was just compensating.

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Lol this guy has to be a troll. Or a lfr raider who can’t kill normal legion raids now :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

I mean, you can basically do that for all legion raids RN. The bosses are just loot piñatas (except maybe eonar)

Lmao, i can kill anything you can kill and more, go and farm some ZM gear and shut up.

doubtful, you’re only level 10.

I’m not the one complaining I can’t kill legion bosses

No, but my main can…

Where did i say i can’t kill legion bosses?

I could solo mythic Antorus in BFA.

Let’s see it then.

Sure you can little guy. You can do whatever you believe in just like your mom tells you

I got speed gear on though since i was doing old q’s.
I’m 277ilvl in my normal gear.

Bet you anything his main is 233

Huh, no M Lihuvim, or Halondrus, missing about 400 io, get on my level.

We’re on Halondrus and idgaf about io, i only do 15s for weekly vault.

Also, you’re hiding behind what your guild can do? lmao
My guild died 3 times already, i don’t rly care.

Also show me your main, it’s only fair.

P.S. I can see your personal achievs just fine from here.

Mad world 20th of March? lmao

I did it 7th of March.

Get on my lvl, scrub, you needed extra cape levels to do it. lmao

You can figure it out for yourself. or not.

I already figured out you’re below me.

lol yes your level. 219. No wonder you can’t kill anything. That and you’re a ret paladin :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

I’m 277, is this your lowly main?