When we gonna get decent new characters? new characters equivalent to Arthas, Illidan, Kael, Grommash?

I didn’t think I’d be using this in this thread, but here we are:


Binary I.Q
What about hiring only by merit and nothing more?


never with shadowlands writers

But MSNBC is.

Yea I know. Youre like my boomer dad. He still thinks MSNBC is trustworthy and thaytconservatives watch fox news.


Imo characters like Xal are just that.

And folks like Faerin. Forces like the Arathi.

They’re planting the seeds for the next ‘generation’ of WoW storytelling.

It takes time to build up a character with meaningful payoff- that just doesn’t happen in one expansion.

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You mean the people who used to work for Blizzard 30 years ago but haven’t worked there for decades? Management has always been bloated at the company, increasingly so over the years. I guess you’re into the Alex Afrasiabi style of management.

i literally have no idea what this message is trying to say
half the games on this are on the wrong side

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Theyve people have convinced themselves that hiring based on race promotes merit.

They are legit racists.


That’s pretty much the joke.

People complain about politics in games when most of the classics are highly political. Games like Final Fantasy 7 aren’t even subtle about it and shove it in your face in the opening minutes of the game, but it’s still considered one of the greatest jRPGs of all time.


I like you invent an imaginary problem.

No man the current video game devs are a problem. The old ones were great. They made great games.

You need to touch grass dude. Get off twitter.

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Look in the mirror, dude. Every time you guys see that a black woman has been hired you have an apoplectic fit.

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True enough.

The best applicant is the one that is best at the job. Simple as that.

Lets say you are hiring nurses. Pretty important position, people’s lives are on the line. This is typically a female dominated field, most of the people going into nursing are female, most of the people coming out of schools and training for nursing positions are female. Now your boss comes to you and says “we need 50% of our nurses to be male”.

Just the numbers alone mean you will have to pass over lots of better qualified female applicants to hire more male applicants with lower skills and and talents. Not sure I would want to be one of your patients at that hospital.


Gee its almost like thats a rational assumption when every company is hiring unqualified people based on their race and gender.

You guys literally brought this on yourself. And we WARNED you this would happen but you didnt listen.


What, this makes no sense some of our greatest works were written before games were ever a thing. As a person who reads and has read a lot I don’t agree with this take at all.

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Building up characters in WoW takes a lot more time compared to the “old guard” who had their start in the RTS games. The latter can establish their narrative bad-assery in a campaign or two whereas the latter might take several expansions.

Nazgrim and Admiral Taylor are two characters who come to mind when you talk about multi-expansion character arcs. They could’ve gone on to do great things, but Blizzard killed them off, which was a shame.


I disagree.

They managed to make Sire Denatharious cool enough to get his own hearthstone expansion. And he was only around for 1 season.

Admiral Taylor deserved better than to be killed off before the player even gets there.


I get whay youre both saying.

I think he means someone who loves both writing and video games will be better at writing for a video game than a typical hollywood writer who doesnt love video games.

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Why everyone repeat this fallacy like it is true? LMAO
Stop repeating things like a parrot…

Open your youtube, type “Ga’nar” “Denathrius” “Bwosandi”.

Quality > Time

Thrall has been devolped for 3 decades and is a garbo character.


I had high hopes for “Zappy boi” to become someone of importance, what ever that troll shaman name was but after his heart to heart with Saurfang i havenʻt really noticed him in the stories anymore.