When was the last time a dev leveled?

It’s also going to vary based on level. Right now on my 107 Hunter I get 1010 XP per kill and 29680 per quest before heirlooms.

Which means I’d need to kill around 30 mobs in order to make it a 50/50 split, and almost no quests actually do that on top of several quests not requiring any kills or only requiring 1-3 kills.

and these heirlooms only extend rested XP by 60%, which makes them a percentage of a percentage.

I can check! What difficulty do you do Antorus on?

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I usually do the raid on the Mythic mode just because there are nice 120s who let me come with to their transmog runs :slight_smile: Thank you for your help!

Omg I don’t have Antorus unlocked on any of my 110-111 toons :sob:

Despite this, 110 (and 111) becomes level 45, and all Legion NPCs are level 45. So you’ll still be the same level as the raid bosses. :slight_smile:

Also, I keep crashing when trying to get to the raid on my main… oh, dear. I hope I can get out. :laughing:

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Still thank you so much for your help! I am glad to hear that, I hope they will let us remain at level 45 :smiley:


I level all the time, leveled 55 characters to 120 during BFA, leveling another 6 more right now and I can tell you with absolute certainty that out of combat regen is a bad joke. There actually is one time where I think that it is good and that’s if you are questing 110 to 120 in BFA zones wearing a full set of heirlooms but only on certain classes. Because Azerite gear gives you more stam, self heal traits and absorb traits you are much more sturdier than if you wear heirlooms.
But that’s it, that’s the only time I see that being useful.
The rest trait is weird for the reason you mentioned

Because it takes so long to gain rest (8 hours for 5% out of 150% max) you will gobble whatever amount you gain in a normal timespan of sleep+work/school even with a 60% reduction on it.
For a person like me it might be good, when SL comes I’ll have about 120 characters to level so I will get great use out of it as there will be enough time inbetween characters to get a full rest bar, but for normal players who play 1 character a couple hours a day? It’s not so great Blizz.

The primary stat one seems bad on paper, I do have one question. It says it lasts 2m and can be extended with killing a mob up to a max of 4m, does that refresh with each mob? If not then I don’t know how useful that will be.

What will I do with 4 minutes of primary stat? Depending on what expansion a player chooses to level in you could consume half of that with travel time :rofl:

I know Blizz said they are subject to change and I hope they do make changes.

Just make heirlooms like Artifacts in Legion and be done with it.

I found it strange with heirlooms that some classes like DK’s, Warlocks etc suddenly are going to run around and use holy damage? At least change the damage type so it suits your class better.

The last time a dev leveled up:


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Leveling is much faster in SL, stop whining.


This. “Oh NOEZ! The items I bought and have used on who knows how many characters won’t let me get through the leveling process in three hours instead of five! How ever will I survive? All that gold I spent years ago is totally wasted now! (Just ignore the fact that I’ve gotten plenty of use out of them before now.)”

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This is the big point that I think invalidates all of the complaints about the heirloom nerf. The point was to make leveling easier because for a long time it’s been a boring slog that catapults you from one expansion to the next without giving you time to enjoy one of them. In SL it’s not going to be as bad.

Heirlooms are still going to guarantee you have a great piece in that slot for the entire experience. They’re also going to give some neat effects. It’s still going to be faster to have them than to not.

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heirloom gear isn’t as good as questing/dungeon gear, it’s not like it used to be. if they’re going to take away the xp bonus they need some sort of set bonus that’s worth NOT putting on the better quest/dungeon gear.

Let me preface this by saying I couldn’t actually care less about the loss of the xp bonuses from the heirlooms, leveling will be plenty fast without that.

The part that annoys me is the lack of creativity with these so called “Set bonuses” They’re just worse versions of xp bonus and some crappy regen stuff with a damaging thing that looks useless lol.

Give me increased mount speed, run speed, instant mounting, higher rep gains, faster crafting… anything but these super creativity deprived “bonuses”. It’s honestly just kinda depressing to think that’s the best they could come up with…

They do test it, their mind set is dev mode and thinks differently… you are player peon mode and you think differently. This narrative that they don’t play or keep taking the piss is just ignorant.

Cross your fingers and hope you don’t have to go to the bathroom.

Or, and hear me out here, just phase out heirloom gear. It isn’t like you haven’t gotten your money’s worth out of it by now.

that would have been like removing the reforge yak after they removed reforging. talk about tossing the baby out with the bath water.

They still play this game?

All they do is tune the game via spreadsheets at this point. Sadly I can’t be proven wrong! :woman_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

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It isn’t a baby any more. Acting like one of those people who still breastfeeds their kid at age 12 isn’t a great look.