When was the last time a dev leveled?

so do you think they should removed the yak? reforging is gone, it’s whole purpose over the mammoth. they found a replacement but according to you it’s not worth it? it’s better just to phase things out rather than reinvent

Why not? It isn’t like anyone actually used the yak for anything but reforging. When do you ever see someone riding around on their yak?

Good question op, I doubt they do they wouldn’t have to time of day to even start , since they relies on others to test it out which have their own judgements for their play style .

all the time considering it’s the most current mount with vendors that doesn’t require playing the AH or buying WoW tokens. plus people who want to transmog quickly on the go. You’re just making a fool of yourself now, no one is on your side with this “dont’ rework just remove stuff people spent lots of gold/time on” mentality.

If these changes make it to live i’m just…probably not gonna bother using them. Might actually make me excited for loot drops while leveling again.

Not gonna bother asking for recompense for the gear, i’ve leveled so many toons with them that I feel I got my money’s worth.

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You seem rather defensive and quick to jump to insults. That’s such a shame.

You spent lots of gold and time on getting your Tier sets back in the day, but it isn’t like you didn’t throw them out (or disenchant them) the moment you had something shinier fall into your lap, right?

Almost like that might be one of the points of the change. Make gear matter again.

heirloom gear isn’t end game gear, in fact they exist in the same tab as every other item/collectible in the game that is permanent. no one expects the latest raid gear to last longer than the next patch. heirloom was always on a different precedent.

Like toys, they still remain, but have lost most of their use and/or relevance. And often get functionality removed when people use them to break the game.

Undead Paladins inc

heirlooms were never used to break the game nor have toys ever lost their functionality. slightly altered at times but again just changed, as opposed to your desire to fully remove items.

I’d be fine with making them cosmetic items for transmog, too.

you can’t make them something that they already are.

It caps at 30 bars.

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the current Ion B team of diablo devs designs by spreadsheet

participation for a given reward is largely what they track, not whether people actually had fun doing it. Game is just a casino dopamine feedback loop addiction behavior test nowadays.

Word from inside is that the game is on a slow death and extract as much money as possible on the way down. F2P will come eventually, along with a crazy much bigger cash shop. Selling gold was the first step combined with making a ton of the game more grindy and making the grinds unavoidable.

Well damn. Guess I push the bar with turn ins and thought it was longer.

Look at the shadowlands leveling changes. The scaling is broken, as well as the rewards and the gold per quest.

Blizz can’t even do the simple things anymore.

When is SL supposed to launch? In a few months? Not even close to ready for that! :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

I’ve been wondering that for years myself. I honestly don’t think too many of them actually plays the game, the decision makers that is.

Up until about level 100 heirloom gear is equivalent or a single stat below at-level dungeon gear. So a dungeon piece might give 11 crit and 8 vers, and the heirloom will give 11 crit and 7 vers. 15 minutes later the heirloom catches up, and 15 minutes later it passes the dungeon piece.

Unless you’re expecting to get a dungeon drop for a slot every single level, heirlooms are stronger.

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Quest xp doesn’t consume rested xp. If you keep mob grinding to a minimum, you’ll probably get 3 levels out of it.

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