I understand that this will be full of salt and spewing garbage before it gets anywhere productive lmao. A lot of people are vehemently for no changes without understanding how many changes WoW Classic underwent during its lifespan (every class getting such wide talent overhauls that they got complete refunds of talents, every class getting several quests while lvling in 1.11, Silithus revamp, PvP system revamp twice, the list goes on). But no, that does not mean I want things like LFR, the cash shop, wow tokens, or cross realm zones added in.
But let’s take a step back, and look forward to the new future of the past. We are only this far now because we came together as a community, after all.
When we subdue Onyxia and save Stormwind, send Ragnaros back to the Firelands, bring down Nefarian, send C’Thun back to the depths of hell, and bring Naxxramas crashing to the ground, what’s next? Blizzard has not stated any plans for TBC as of yet and I personally would love to stay in WoW Classic for a very long time.
When you release an expansion and increase the level cap, it suddenly invalidates all of the previous content. TBC brought many changes to classic leveling. It made leveling much faster by reducing the experience requirements and buffing lots of quest experience gains, made many group quests now soloable, and removed plenty of elites (of course not all). A lot of people also did not like how they parted from the RTS series and made Illidan Stormrage a full on villain in TBC.
I personally want them to add in things like the original Grim Batol, Hyjal, Tol Barad, Kul’Tiras, Hellfire Penninsula, the gigantic Karazhan, Emerald Dream, and so on. They could add in more 10 man dungeons like Upper Blackrock Spire and 20 man raids like Ahn’Qiraj 20 and Zul’Gurub.
Making most of these 10 and 20 man would mean that they do not need to make the items as powerful as Naxxramas or Ahn’Qiraj raid items since they wouldn’t be designed for 40 man anyways. And even if they did, they wouldn’t have to make the items significantly more powerful or more powerful at all. They could also make tier sets for hybrid specs to help them catch up in a sense, without adding in spells like the famed Holy Strike/Crusader Strike combo. They could still make the content as difficult as the other raids, especially if it brings some nice bumps to things like Ret or Feral DPS.
I would also like to see things like the original concepts of the Corrupted Ashbringer being cleansed, or the Scythe of Elune being brought in. These things are mostly questions we did not get answers for during the time where we thought they would be answered. It also gives blizzard lots of room to be creative without necessarily having to come up with completely new ideas like Pandaria.
What do you guys think of this?