When the "Full Original Run" is over, should they add new content?

I understand that this will be full of salt and spewing garbage before it gets anywhere productive lmao. A lot of people are vehemently for no changes without understanding how many changes WoW Classic underwent during its lifespan (every class getting such wide talent overhauls that they got complete refunds of talents, every class getting several quests while lvling in 1.11, Silithus revamp, PvP system revamp twice, the list goes on). But no, that does not mean I want things like LFR, the cash shop, wow tokens, or cross realm zones added in.

But let’s take a step back, and look forward to the new future of the past. We are only this far now because we came together as a community, after all.

When we subdue Onyxia and save Stormwind, send Ragnaros back to the Firelands, bring down Nefarian, send C’Thun back to the depths of hell, and bring Naxxramas crashing to the ground, what’s next? Blizzard has not stated any plans for TBC as of yet and I personally would love to stay in WoW Classic for a very long time.

When you release an expansion and increase the level cap, it suddenly invalidates all of the previous content. TBC brought many changes to classic leveling. It made leveling much faster by reducing the experience requirements and buffing lots of quest experience gains, made many group quests now soloable, and removed plenty of elites (of course not all). A lot of people also did not like how they parted from the RTS series and made Illidan Stormrage a full on villain in TBC.

I personally want them to add in things like the original Grim Batol, Hyjal, Tol Barad, Kul’Tiras, Hellfire Penninsula, the gigantic Karazhan, Emerald Dream, and so on. They could add in more 10 man dungeons like Upper Blackrock Spire and 20 man raids like Ahn’Qiraj 20 and Zul’Gurub.

Making most of these 10 and 20 man would mean that they do not need to make the items as powerful as Naxxramas or Ahn’Qiraj raid items since they wouldn’t be designed for 40 man anyways. And even if they did, they wouldn’t have to make the items significantly more powerful or more powerful at all. They could also make tier sets for hybrid specs to help them catch up in a sense, without adding in spells like the famed Holy Strike/Crusader Strike combo. They could still make the content as difficult as the other raids, especially if it brings some nice bumps to things like Ret or Feral DPS.

I would also like to see things like the original concepts of the Corrupted Ashbringer being cleansed, or the Scythe of Elune being brought in. These things are mostly questions we did not get answers for during the time where we thought they would be answered. It also gives blizzard lots of room to be creative without necessarily having to come up with completely new ideas like Pandaria.

What do you guys think of this?


When is it over?

You “finished” a few months after Nax.

I’m on year 3 and just staryed progressing through BWL.

Now what?


You can’t have a game survive for 10 years without adding a single update. Look at Diablo 3. I care about the game becoming something huge that shocks the world again, just like the first time.


I’m still playing some of the same offline games that I played in 1983.


The real game is called “live”.

If you want new content go get it there. I fully expect them to just keep the classic servers going for as long as they can get away with. Then we might see a seasonal reset starting to do it again.

Unlike D3, WoW actually gets updated on it’s non-seasonal content.


Remember that Classic doesn’t equate to “clearing the old raids” for a lot of people.

I very much doubt that I’ll do more than the occasional filler as a pug tank for guilds who are struggling to make up the numbers – have no desire to do the big guild drama again, and I don’t want to be in any raid guild that I’m not leading.

I’m more interested in the world, and I don’t want that to change/go away again so people can have more raids – basically what happened with Retail.


@Calciumplus I still play Warcraft III occasionally but the PvP was dead for a very long time. Also sure, not everyone raids. But a LOT do. Also, how would that change remove from the world? It would add more zones to do quests in and get immersed in with the original lore concept before things got muddled together over time.

@Aluciellin I mean I quit on G’Huun Mythic progression and just PvP on my alts now. I do expect them to run it dry, but who’s to say that new raids aren’t welcomed? The stuff I mentioned was strictly content planned for WoW Classic in of itself that they just simply did not have the time to add.

In the end it will come down to what kind of money is thrown at it by either players or the company. If people want it to stay the same it most likely will, but there is the chance it goes the osrs route and could poll content. Wont know until the time comes


there is a problem with “seasonal reset”;
many ppl dont want to lose characters because of it;
someone already clears full naxx;
someone just hit 25 lvl;
dont you think it is not fun and even a little cruel …

from the other hand, starting on stagnated server or being boosted instantly to top aq/naxx gear is also bad,
why not starting new servers (with 1 stage progression) rarely from time to time?
merging old servers could be hurtful too, but merging 300-400 online servers is the only sane desigion;

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The problem with the seasonal resets and Classic becoming increasingly popular over the years had made many competing servers just make a new fresh start server every time their population would go down, essentially killing every server out at the time and perpetually keeping everyone releveling and farming MC and BWL for years.

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I would rather have TBC than new “vanilla” content because new vanilla content would be made by the people and the company who made WotLK through BfA. TBC was the last thing made by the real blizzard, activision’s immediate influence is pretty obvious when you look at it with hindsight.


To be fair, the reasons we say Wrath was a failure weren’t until after the merge. I.e. Dungeon Finder

But I agree, Classic and TBC were the true version of WoW. PvP wise, Cata and MoP were amazing I can’t lie. Heroic raiding was also a lot of fun. Now Mythic is boring though, too many stupid mechanics just to throttle DPS and not add a challenge imo.

Not all of us.

Some of the problems with wrath were there from the start.

It was released before it was ready. That’s obvious by the lack of content at launch. Add to that death knights, achievements, hard modes, merged raids, phasing, and the fact that the second content drop felt like a “quick! Throw something together ice crown isn’t ready yet!” all contributed to it.


I don’t think that achievements themselves are toxic, they could either remove raid achievements or make it so you can’t link them. I dunno, I don’t really farm them or care about them anyways it’s just side content. Death Knights were horribly overtuned for the next 6 years after release lmao, that’s just a Blizzard balance problem in general.

I didn’t think Hard Modes were a bad thing, but them adding LFR and then making a fourth difficulty in 5.4 was definitely a huge mistake. Phasing bothers me to this day with losing herbs and ores to the point that I don’t have either gathering prof anymore. Did you mean ToC as thrown together? I agree, yeah.

The problem with hard modes and achievements and combined 10/25 man raids is that they were used solely to stretch content.

They were the equivalent of watering down soup to make it stretch to feed more people.

And yeah, the ToC felt like it was thrown together. It didn’t feel like it had any place in the lore, it didn’t feel like a proper content drop either.


Yeah I thought 10 and 25 being the same was super silly too. I love 10 man raiding so it felt great at the time, but they should be separate in hindsight.

I loved 10 man raiding too. I thought they really nailed it with karazhan. ZA… not so much. But making 10 mans and 25 mans the same in wrath just felt immensely lazy. I mean… 4 horsemen with 25 felt disingenuous. With 10 it was just silly.


YoU nEeD 8 TaNkS
but we have 10 people


I would love to see an expansion of Classic like OP is talking about.

  • No new levels.
  • New zones.
  • New gear.
  • New BG’s.

IMO the greatest sin Blizz ever committed was abandoning the previous expac. Worked for years acquiring that legendary gear? Have a quest green that turns it into vendor trash. All that content and zones that used to be so important? Empty. Never spoken of again except when you’re leveling, and then only in passing.

Keep the “world” in World of Warcraft.


Oh God, I didn’t even think of new Battlegrounds either. They have so much potential but everyone is afraid of it. They don’t realize that content draughts kill games. LOOK AT WOD. Yes WoD was pretty bad, but the content droughts after the droughts we had in Cata really killed the game more than the content itself being bad. People come back for new content always, which helps keep the playerbase engaged and it is not a sneaky low blow way to force us to play like titanforging is.

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