When Rare Mounts are Used for "Prestige"

Well, being a soldier is important. Video games are not important. They’re two incredibly different things that have nothing to do with each other, because one doesn’t even remotely matter in the world. Being awarded for valor means far more than playing a video game and getting a bunch of 1s and 0s for playing a video game.

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I think the vast majority of the entire Human population would beg to differ. Even children know the importance of fun and play. Video games are nothing more than a mimicry of experience and some people can only feel certain emotions derived from certain things, that’s called personality.

If your emotions have no meaning to you in life from “pixels” then best stick to reality and… well… not be playing a game? The fact that you not only play WoW but do end-game and mythic content shows you certainly find something of value in video games and really you kind of counter your own statements here…

TBH I respect TMOG more than mounts at this point.

Mostly because if you get a TMOG just right, you can look awesome; I’m more about customizations looking awesome as prestige because it shows the person has creativity and imagination.

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They also cry in the streets if they can’t have a litter box.

Great argument.

I see you haven’t had any this entire time.

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You have 196 mounts dude, why you even here crying about prestigious mounts.

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That’s not prestigious, that’s teamwork. If a person can’t work with others, they’re not much use. As for the time, people could have better spent that time doing something much more useful.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

See? That still didn’t even make sense as an argument. “Dude you have 196 mounts out of 839 total, omg y u even crying”.

That would make more sense if you said it to someone with like 400+.

Because there is nothing prestigious about any mounts, they come out, someone gets it and has it before everyone else, then everyone has a chance to get it.


If someone with 400 mounts doesn’t care, why should you?

That is precisely what this thread is all about. Did you even read my original post? No offense but I think you have a few screws loose.

You’re trying to argue with me about something we already both agree on lol.

I still don’t get it, and in truth, I think it’s really kind of pitiable. However, as I said before, what other people have that I don’t have does not arouse in me jealousy or concern of any kind. But then, I’m old, that may be why.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

Wern’t you crying about pvp mounts?

You really like to use the word crying don’t you? And no, I wasn’t, I don’t even do PVP and I have said this.

You’d think I was attacking you personally with how rabidly you’re defending video games as anything other than a waste of time. I’m sorry you’ve got so little in your life that digital toys are something you consider great accomplishments to be proud of, and I sincerely hope you find things of worth to take pride in.

You crying about me saying crying?

Wow. I actually feel sad for you.

We’re also talking about entirely different things here, not my fault you took an analogy way too far.

I love the people who try and use TCG mounts as prestige… Dude you spent $1k on ebay for that. Do you think I’m supposed to be impressed with your total lack of fiscal responsibility?

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So getting a medal in the olympics isn’t prestigious it’s just team work with you and your trainer?

That’s exactly what it looks like when trying to show off “”"“rare”""" items in a game.

It shows that they haven’t achieved anything else in their life more important than playing a game? Was that what you were going say? Because that’s what a lot of that whining and crying sounds like to me.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

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