When Rare Mounts are Used for "Prestige"

i would totally eat bread made in scholomance. no questions asked.


The flesh of constructs and failed appreciates is free protein. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:


Mhmm. Was just about to say Azeroth does NOT have a shortage on bags of grain :laughing:

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you realize unity unsubbed they claim because the feldrake was twitch dropped…

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Even I’m not that bothered. :dracthyr_love_animated:

like is legit exactly what you are describing in this thread lol.

I mean, I whine too, but I also vote with my wallet.

My poor ego, how will I ever survive without a prestigious mount…

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Meh… my favorite mount is a store mount.


The Dreadwake is a guilty pleasure of mine.

I’ve been loving the Jell-O Cat so far.

I had that on a previous account. It’s freakin’ huge.

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Imagine caring about “prestige” items in a video game, one of the most unimportant things that exist.


I dunno, by that logic soldiers don’t need a ‘badge of honor’ fighting wars and crap.

“Boi you’re just like everybody else, literally picked up off the street or joined from the average neighborhood, you don’t need no special treatment for what you’ve accomplished.”

Only this is a video game. And a lot less real/serious, but hey, people still accomplish things. I just don’t get the whole idea of boasting rare mounts when everybody has the same chance to get it as you did.

You are right, folks got in trouble for exploiting the hive mind mounts.

she isn’t going to you bro

I don’t think you know what logic means, friend.

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I don’t think you see contextual analogy.

Status symbol.

i have benediction in case you didn’t notice also murky + full tier 3 so just bow before me for existing in the early 2000s